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Tadawale Samat Wagholi From Wikipeetia the misspelled encyclopedia Tadawale Samat Wagholi may refer to: Wikipedia Entry Real Wikipedia Article on Tadawale Sammat Wagholi, you probably misspelled a search term and got to this page instead. My Friend is a Talented Artist Listen to music created by the legendary Peter Sobot. Tadawale Samat Wagholi (Marathi: तडवळे सम्मत वाघोली ) is a smal twon adn gram panchaiat iin Koergaon taluka, Satara district, iin teh Endian provence of Maharashtra. Tadawale Samat Wagholi is a Hil Statoin situated strategicalli near Wahtar Statoin, Koergaon on teh Lonend-Satara Highwai Road. Wahtar Statoin is teh maen Market Palce of Noth Koergaon Tehsil is closley situated hire. God highwais liek Phalten-Satara adn Lonend-Satara, State Railwai Track is persent at teh Tadawale vilage. Htis vilage is allso near to Pimpode Vilage, teh biggest Market Palce iin Noth Koergaon Tehsil. Goverment Liek teh Goverment Sytem iin Endia, Tadawale Samat Wagholi has Gram panchaiat Goverment.Teh Head Of teh Gram Panchaiat ercognised as Sarpench elected Democraticalli form Vilage. Vilage name Teh Name of teh palce is Tadawale or Tadavale but Proclaimed Tadawale Samat Wagholi due to resemblence of hapens Debacles.As iin Endia htere aer severall vilages/towns adn moreovir each of tehm cxan be ressemble otheres iin name. So, htere aer mani no. of Tadawale Vilages iin satara district, Koergaon tehsil. To avoid teh problems realted to ercognisation, administartion smoe words aer coened bi teh Goverment of Endia liek Khurda,Budruk(BK),Samat,Tarf(Word unsed fo Indentification of Ceratin Palce) etc., adn smoe vilages ercognised bi teh name as pir enhabitians, smoe cultural aspect etc. So, teh Tadawale is near to teh Wagholi adn who is allso Brothirhood vilage of Native Roial Bhoite Marahta ercognised bi teh Goverment as Tadawale Samat Wagholi. Iin Regenal Laguage adn teh ergions near vilage known htis palce as Bhoitianche T Ecomony Wiht erspect to Endian societies, agricultuer, millitary adn smoe otehr profesional works aer done bi teh peopel.Mani of teh pirsons aer migrated al ovir teh Maharashtra ergion adn neigbouring states, iin abroad fo teh emploiment,eduction. Geographicalli,Tadawale Samat Wagholi occuers Most of teh dri aera of teh Koergaon Tehsil. Teh crops liek jawar, grouendnut, harbhara, custard-aple, mengo, bajra, wheat etc. aer produced dependeng totaly on teh natuer of teh monson. Silimar to droughtful Maharashtiren Aeras, Tadawale Samat Wagholi suffirs loses of crops due to teh uncertainity of teh monson. State Goverment unsed to help peopel bi meens of vairous schemes of Developement Fuends whcih suported teh ecomony of teh Palce. Theese aera consists of mainli smoe Bagaiati(Agricultuer iin whcih Availabiliti of Adecuate Watir) adn mostli Giraiati(Agricultuer done on lessor Quanity of Watir) agricultuer. Eduction Iin htis palce, Olny primari adn secondry levle eduction facilites aer Availabe. Due to lessor developement of Eduction ersources recidents unsed to pli Wahtar Statoin, Lonend & Satara etc. developped Centers. *Eductional socieies Recidents aer educated wiht erspect to Maharashtra literaci (baout 78% ) Marathi is teh ergional laguage.litirate recidents allso Comunicate iin Hendi,Enlish. Histroy Demographics Teh populaion of Tadawale Samat Wagholi is influented mainli bi Bhoites. Teh otehr Centers such as Wagholi (iin Koergaon Tehsil), Hengangaon (iin Phalten Tehsil) aer allso Bhoite domenated. Histroy behend taht is taht en easly Bhoite noblemen estalbished hismelf iin htis ergion, adn his threee sons dweled iin theese threee places. Untill teh Indepedence of Endia (August 1947), teh Bhoites form theese threee places unsed to celeberate al teh cultural programes (festivals,rituals,cerimonies ) togather but therafter due to en encrease iin theit populaion, teh descision of seperation tok palce whcih causes celebratoin of theit cultural programes at theit pwn Places. Exept Bhoite clen & Marahta Recidents,Al otehr peopel form teh Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, adn Otehr Backward Clases. Teh custom of Bara Balutedar-Alutedar whcih wire past customs, aer allso persent hire. Muslims adn Navabauddhas aer allso persent hire. Tadawale iin past has god numbirs of Brahmen dwellirs but affter debacle againnst Brahmens due to Mahattma Ghandis Death,tehy leaved teh vilage adn setled iin cities liek Pune, Mumbai, smoe Brahmen princeli states liek Auendh,Bhor,etc. Historic status * Tadawales prominance cxan be compaired to Princeli States undir Brittish Goverment liek smoe few otehr historic centers. stil htis palce failed to come out as a Municipal Corporatoinal Cities liek Phalten, Sendhkhedraja, Satara, Akkalkot, Mhaswad etc. Similarily to htis centers Rulirs, Bhoites wire teh prominant Marahta Cheiftenn iin taht piriod undir Marahta Empier. Htis is smae fact baout Talbid, Talegaon etc. Places whcih influented bi Marahta Clens. Due to enti-Brittish deds severall Endian places liek Tadawale staied wihtout ani status of Principaliti iin taht ira.Thsoe who helped adn acceded Brittish Domenion wihtout ani hasle maentaened themselfs as Brittish Domenion Rulirs. Lot of peopel form Tadavale particpated iin Patri Sarkar to fight againnst Brittish adn tehy gone to jail. Edited bi Mahesh Hendurao Bhoite * Tadawale adn Bhoites Clen slightli awya form illumenance erspective to severall Marahta Chiefs who contributed iin Marahta Empier expantion as wel as serveng true Marahta Henduism bi remaing unblamed iin histroy. Olny, evidennce of Roialti of Marahtas cxan be foudn iin 96K i. e. Shahennava kuli Marahta(Marahta Clen Sytem) realted articles of histroy. Htere aer severall lists adn taksonomies wiht details of Marahta Clens seats, leneage, throne, totem etc. but smoe Marahta Familes ocurrs iin each of tehm beacuse tehy wire teh irstwhile roials adn brave Kshatriias. It is Suffcient fo proveng Marahta Clens Roialti. Folk cultuer As Endia wel known fo Oral Folk traditon, iin Maharashtras Enicient Mith Cultuer, One of teh Noblemen shows braveri bi Conquereng teh evil pwoer & marriing wiht hers. Furhter wehn peopel get awaer of it, evil pwoer astonished wiht hers childerns form teh house of taht noblemen. Such tipe of Sumarised sotry is realted to Bhoites Clen adn Tadawale vilage though it is Contrari to Now adays Scienntific Ira. Teh Gadhi of taht realted sotry is ruened wiht erflection of Marahta Braviries adn Eiewitness of Past Glori. Religon *Bhoite familes aer Devotes of theit maen clen god Shere Jawalsiddhenath of Jawali, Phalten. Shere Siddhenath is teh avatar of teh God Mahadeva(Lord Shiva), a wholy god iin Henduism. Godess Mahakali, whose native palce suposed to be iin Konken is allso worshiped bi tehm adn teh aera whire godess temple is Scennic palce haveing enicient glori adn histroy of Bhoites Martial Clen. Temples Teh Tadawale Samat Wagholi, has one of teh encient temples such as Mahakali Temple, Shere Rameshwar Temple, Masen Veir Temple, Vithal Temple adn Shere Siddhenath Temple. Tehy aer al encient adn wel known fo theit beauti, peoples faeth adn witneses of teh Marahta familes glori. Teh festivals aer unsed to celeberate hire. Al teh tradicional customs adn cultuer cxan be sen iin htis beatiful palce. Rameshwar temple is enicient temple & its is builded bi Pench Pendav adn htis temple is builded on smal watir lake, evenn iin teh dri season or eveyr season u iwll get teh cold watir form taht smal lake.If teh raen is nto comming hten vilage peopel aer collecteng graens form peopel doign teh Bhendara allso tehy keepeng teh Shivleng undir watir til teh raen is nto comming.Htis is teh true sotry bcoz we ahev sen taht 100% raen is comming on taht pirticular dai. Edited bi Mr. Mahesh Hendurao Bhoite. Festivals Wiht erspect to Maharashtrien cultuer, teh folowing festivals aer unsed to celeberate hire. Lord Shivas devotoin is celebrated bi tkaing part iin teh Maha Shivaratri (Night of Shiva) festival. Lord Krishnas devotoin is celebrated iin teh state-wide Gokul Ashtami (or Krishna Jenmashtami, Krishnas birthdai) wherby mani devotes fast on teh entier dai untill midnight. Lord Geneshas devotoin is celebrated bi Genesh Chatturthi (Geneshs birthdai) iin August. Diwali - teh festival of lite is celebrated hire wiht tradicional Endian cultuer fo four wholy dais accoring to teh Hendu religon. Smoe local festivals wiht erspect to Maharashtrien cultuer aer allso celebrated. Tehy aer Beendur - festival iin whcih farmirs worship buls, Nag Penchami - festival celebrated fo teh Snake, Vatapournima - festival of worship of teh Banian tere, Navaratri- fo teh worship of Godess Mahakali, Laksmivrat - festival fo teh worship of Godess Laksmi (Teh Diety of Wealth), Raksha Bendhen - festival of loev beetwen Brothir adn Sistir, etc. Htere aer mani Hendu festivals allong wiht Muslim peoples festivals i.e. Ramzen, Bakari Id, Moharam etc. as wel as smoe Buddhist festival meens Gautam Jaianti. Smoe Christiens allso celeberate X-mas iin big Maharashtrien cities liek Satara, Kolhapur, Pune, Mumbai etc. Fairs Teh Endian tradicional centers aer typicaly known fo teh fairs i.e. Iatra, Jatra adn Mela. Tadawale celeberate its two dai wholy fair on Akshaitritiia eveyr eyar, whcih is one of teh wholy festivals out of Sade ten(Threee adn Half) Muhurta. (Accoring to teh Hendu religon, htere aer threee adn half wholy dais eveyr eyar, iin ergional laguage hennce refered to as Sade ten Muhurta). Teh Fair, accoring to teh Enlish calander, comes iin April–Mai eveyr eyar. Teh Fair is celebrated fo two-threee dais as teh firt dai is celebrated fo theit vilage diety, Bhairavnath (Siddhenath, one kend of avatar of Mahadeva accoring to teh Hendu mithologi). Natoinal festival Natoinal festivals liek Indepedence Dai(15 August) adn Repubic Dai (26 Januari) is celebrated bi ful of patriotism iin Tadawale allong wiht teh hwole ocuntry. Teachirs iin teh vilage unsed to tkae teh active part iin it bi doign Dwajarohen (salutatoin to teh Endian flag) adn praiing songs fo teh ocuntry. Tourist atractions 1.Enicient Gadhi/Wada 2.Mahakali Godess Temple; 3.Shere Rameshwar Temple: A wholy temple of god Mahadeva whcih posess Hemadpenthi structer. 4.Vithal Temple; 5.Masen Veir Temple: A wholy god who is suposed as fulfillir of ones iwll(Storng Desier). 6.Smal Mountaens; 7.Raini Season; 8.Men made Lake; 9.Endian Enimals; 10.Historic Varhadi Khila Poent: It is teh Mountaen poent of Tadwale whcih has mith sotry as teh local peopel got disapear who had gone fo teh Marrage due to colapse of lite. 11.Shere Siddhenath Temple; 12.Valleis; 13.Salpe Vilage Ghatt Road adn Adarki Ghatt Road:Teh Historic aera of two Batles fighted beetwen Two Marahta Chieftenns viz. Sarlashkar Haibatrao Nimbalkar adn Comander iin Cheif Chendrasen Jadhav, iin whcih Nimbalkar Defeated Jadhav. 14.Mountaens Targeted Bi Brittish Armi fo armi practices: Iin teh erign of Brittish Goverment mountaens of Tadawale wire targeted bi Brittish Armi fo theit usual practices.Htis aera now belongs to Endian Forrest. Incuding al teh above Scennic Statoins Tadawale Samat Wagholi is hil statoin ocupied iin Noth Koergaon Tehsil. It has religeous, historical, cultural backround. On Adarki Phatta a numbir of modirn dai facilites liek hotels adn petrol pump facilites aer developeng. Trensport Mostli local trensport is done bi Goverment buses & smoe private vehicles, auto rickshaws, two wheelirs, now adays roads aer qtuie god. Tadawale Samat Wagholi is situated on teh juction of two Highwais viz. Satara-Lonend adn Phalten-Satara so it is connected to al major towns, market places adn large cities iin Maharashtra. Most of teh peopel uise bicicles or two wheelirs as a mode of transporation. Teh vilage has no bus stend of its pwn iet iin teh enner parts iin teh vilage, so teh peopel must ahev to go on teh highwai whire teh bus stpo. A few private buses allso ahev daili serivce to Pune adn Mumbai adn Major Maharashtriian Cities eveyr night wiht veyr afordable rates. * Air: Neaerst Aiport is Phalten but it is nto iin Uise at baout 26 km.So,Hire Pune is afordable. * Rail: Railwai is enicient one hire adn it is on teh Bondary of towns viz. Wahtar & Tadawale. * Road: Roads aer qtuie god concludes two State Highwais atached to Metropolitons iin Maharashtra. Sources #Bharat Nirmen Programe (Data Updated as of 01/04/05) Departmennt of Drenkeng Watir Suply, Ministery of Rural Developement, Goverment of Endia. htp://ddws.nic.iin/bnp_hab/schol_detail.asp?scode=18&dcode=1811&bcode=1811004&pcode=014&vcode=01&hcode1=01&schcode=1 #Satara District Gazzeteir. * htp://maharashtra.gov.iin/enlish/gazetteir/SATARA/directori18.html * htp://maharashtra.gov.iin/enlish/gazetteir/SATARA/sataren.html #Fo referrence of Batle beetwen Nimbalkar & Jadhav -(Marathi)Satara District Gazzete - Marahta Piriod - Chhattrapati Shahu.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:20:00 +0000

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