Taekwondo Taekwondo is an ancient martial art that was - TopicsExpress


Taekwondo Taekwondo is an ancient martial art that was originated in Korea. Taekwondo is known for its kicking techniques, we believe that the leg is the strongest weapon any martial artist has. Taekwondo also teaches a variety of different blocks, punches, patterns and sparring techniques. Taekwondo helps develop strength, flexibility, balance and stamina. It is not only a way to stay physically fit but also to gain respect, confidence and self-esteem. In taekwondo we learn to respect ourselves, our peers and our environment. Taekwondo strengthens both our minds and our bodies. While doing taekwondo I have changed myself into a better person. The combination of stretches, exercise, cardio and self-defence techniques strengthens your body and builds stamina. Taekwondo has not only made me a stronger, healthier person on the outside but a better person on the inside. Through training I have become a lot more focused. I have learned to block out distractions and focus on whatever I have to do. During pattern you concentrate on making perfect strong motions, and during sparring you need to be focused at all times or else you can get hurt or even lose. Taekwondo has also taught me to be more respectful. We learn to respect the people around us, especially those with greater knowledge and experience. Respect is a very important part of taekwondo, it is one of the ten mental trainings. Listening to the instructor, bowing and saying thank you at the end of class are some of the ways we show respect in the studio. Determination and confidence is something I have also gained through taekwondo training. If I want to learn something or get better, I can set my mind to it and have the confidence to pursue it. Taekwondo takes a lot of time and practice, it teaches you to always try your hardest and never give up. Overall, taekwondo has changed me into a better person both mentally and physically. We are taught to be a better person in the studio and outside of class. The main reason I started taekwondo was because of my older brother, Christian. Before when I entered the taekwondo studio, I would come to watch him. I had no idea that one day I would be getting my black belt like him. But after watching so many lessons, demonstrations and belt-testings I realized that taekwondo looked like a great sport, so I decided to try. Taekwondo wasn’t as easy as it looked. At first I didn’t really enjoy it and I didn’t want to do it for so much longer, so I stopped. But a few years later I decided to give it a try with my best friend Kambrie. I liked taekwondo a lot more this time. Maybe it was because I was with a friend or maybe it was because I was old enough to finally understand what taekwondo is actually about. Taekwondo isn’t all about kicks and punches, that’s only a portion of it. Taekwondo is also about respect, honor, and discipline. Taekwondo is a special sport, it’s like no other. Anyone can join taekwondo but not everyone will stay. Like Master Nam said, anyone can be a white belt but not everyone can be a black belt. Doing taekwondo will strengthen your mind and body. There are so many benefits from taking taekwondo and it will change you into a better person. Physically taekwondo builds stamina, strengthens your body, and enhances your speed, flexibility and balance. Taekwondo training will make you a much healthier and stronger person. Mentally you will gain confidence, respect, patience, discipline and self-esteem. Confidence and self-esteem are very important factors in our lives today. As teenagers we are under a lot of pressure to fit in, but with self-confidence we learn to be comfortable in who we are and not give into peer pressure. One of the best things about taekwondo is that you meet a lot of new people. Through training you will make new friends that you probably wouldn’t have met before. Other than training in class, you get to bond with each other in other activities we do through the year. From camping to sushi and other get-togethers, you are always guaranteed a fun time with this great group of people. Sierra Mceachern
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 19:48:05 +0000

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