Taeyang: “Eager to produce good music, but no so much to rank - TopicsExpress


Taeyang: “Eager to produce good music, but no so much to rank #1” BIGBANG, a group of five boys with five distinct colors first appeared before the public 8 years ago, in 2006. They have grown far beyond just an idol group, and they are evolving further to become real artists. TAEYANG (his real name Dong Yong Bae), 25, is the lead vocalist with his so-called ‘weighty’ presence in the group. But the word ‘weighty’ could mean something similar to ‘taciturn’, making him appear less individualistic. But in 2008, he cracked out of the shell to be the first to make a debut as a solo artist among the BIGBANG members. His solo debut song ‘Only Look At Me’, an outcome of public appeal and musical talents, definitely elevated his status as an artist while also helping BIGBANG’s reputation. His solo song was a testament to his accumulated, well-polished musical talents. The follow-up songs ‘Wedding Dress,’ ‘Where You At’ were also very well-received by music lovers, and one aspect that became clear is that TAEYANG is different when he pursues music as a solo, to when he does as part of BIGBANG. He has his own distinct territory. So it is when TAEYANG is out in the public as a solo, where the fans can see the real him. And now TAEYANG returns for the first time in 3 years with the 2nd full album. ‘Ringa Linga’ released in advance on Nov 8 contained rhythmic and powerful rap, and a hip-hop beat with classy melody. His hip-hop swag was so clearly incorporated into the song, while also showing off his unique singing style. He has set himself apart from BIGBANG, but he also Q. What was the element on which Yang Hyun Suk put the heaviest emphasis? Taeyang: He told me I should break away from the typical self. That includes my style as well. He asked me to appeal to the public with a whole new self, and that was the most important element he asked of me. Q. ‘Ringa Linga’ is G-DRAGON’s song, what did you think when you first heard it? Taeyang: Actually I received the track first and was thinking of how to approach it. G-DRAGON listened to it and soon after that he brought the chorus of ‘Ringa Linga.’ He also suggested that we should incorporate the Korean traditional children’s song. He asked me to be in charge of the lyrics and the general coordination, and the song was completed in just two days. Q. You singing on the crane in the music video was pretty impressive. Taeyang: I actually climbed up the crane that was 5-60m high. It wasn’t that scary, but what scared me most was that people around me were way too worried. But if I didn’t climb that crane, we would not have the outcome we have now. So I can say that I am fully satisfied. ? Q. You must feel emancipated with the album complete now. What would you be doing first? Taeyang: I am ready to fall in love immediately after my album is released. (laughter) Something I want to do most is falling in love and also travelling. Since the album release was postponed, I could have done something in the mean time if I really wanted to, but I could not take my mind off the album. I was so preoccupied that there was no room for me to think about anything else. Right now, all I feel is that I want to release the album as soon as possible and try something else. Q. How does it feel to be part of YG Entertainment for such a long period of time? Taeyang: There are good and bad. But I joined YG because I wanted to. It was my decision. So I’d like to think the bad as good. Because I joined YG at such young age, the life in YG stopped me from having a normal childhood that other people would have enjoyed. So that was the downside, but I never regretted making that decision, or about what I am doing right now. From the moment I decided to become a singer, I never ever regretted making that decision for myself. Q. Your performance on Inkigayo was simply awesome. Taeyang: Previously my performances were mainly focused on the details and revolved around the lyrics of the songs. I felt more pressure back then, actually. I had this image in my head that performances must be done in certain ways. But in the last 3 years of preparation, I was able to perform more candidly and naturally. I was joined by a remarkable choreographer, and there was no part that was over-the-top. The performance looks free and liberated, but in fact it is in line with everything else. I think it became a very delicate and exquisite performance. Q. How do you recharge the energy you burn from preparing the album? Taeyang: The biggest source of my motivation and inspiration comes from the fans who cheer me on and support me. I get my inspiration from very small things. Nature, and space, and more. I am also very interested in the historic aspects of different culture, and seeing people’s lives from different backgrounds provides me with a deep sense of inspiration. I also got ideas from some animals to decide my hairstyle, and this time it was a scorpion. Looking into the African cultures is very helpful for gaining ideas and inspiration for my work. Q. A place you feel like you must visit? Taeyang: Brazil, India, and Tibet. Q. Park Jin Young selected you as the artist he most wants to work with? Taeyang: It is a great honor. I am a fan of the songs he produced. I especially like ‘I Have a Girl’, and his songs performed by Park Ji Yoon. I stumbled upon these songs after a while they were produced, and I became to like them a lot. I thought to myself that I want to do music like this. Q. For you, what is good music? Taeyang: No matter what it is, I think the best music is something that can touch people’s hearts. Music can change people. But it’s easier said than done. Good music is music that is liked by anybody and everybody. Nothing can touch the hearts of people better than music. It has to be real, and it has to be genuine. And in order to touch people’s lives with that sentiment, the artist needs to portray who they really are in the music. The most important aspect would be to express themselves in an honest way. Q. Do you think you’re doing ‘good’ music? Taeyang: I think it’s too early to tell. But I’m slowly getting there? Q. If you were to define ‘TAEYANG-ish’ music? Taeyang: Warm, but at times, hot. Q. What does this album mean to TAEYANG? Taeyang: This the first album where I was mostly involved in the process. Thus naturally it is an album that can show most vividly my taste in music and what kind of genre I am best at. As an artist, and as someone who is producing an album, I think this album describes best the foundation of my future music direction. Q. While you are out as a solo, what does BIGBANG mean to you? Taeyang: Someone that I can lean on? It’s like my home where I can return. If I were just a solo artist, I would feel a lot more nervous about the outcome and the psychological damage would be bigger if things do not go well. But even if we did not succeed in being solo artists, there is always a home we can return and start fresh. And that’s what helps BIGBANG members pursue solo careers with much confidence. However, I do feel that I should not be leaving a dent in BIGBANG’s reputation. That, for me, works as a source of motivation to do well. Q. Do you have an ambition of becoming #1? Taeyang: It would be good for the agency if I did rank #1. But for me personally, I don’t think there is much gain from it. It couldn’t be better if I could rank #1 with good music, but not all #1 songs are good songs. I love doing what I love and what is great, but at one point my exhilaration from ranking #1 started to diminish. Q. What made those feelings diminish? Taeyang: As I have been doing music most of my life, I learn to realize what is really important. I thought to myself if simply ranking #1 is a good thing. It would be great if things work out for me to rank #1, but it’s not something I must achieve. Q. You must have two different egos: one as a part of BIGBANG and one as TAEYANG. Do you feel any different when you accomplish musical success while playing different roles? ? Taeyang: There was in fact a difference until 4 to 5 years ago. The music I pursued was quite distant from what I did as a part of BIGBANG, and I was able to unleash all that when I was a solo. It made me lean towards solo more. But suddenly all of that just disappeared. I learned to have a presence in both BIGBANG as a solo by myself, as time passed. I started to have this confidence that I am able to turn everything into my own color. So at the moment I don’t feel so different being a part of BIGBANG to being a solo. Q. Did you ever go through a slump, or felt that you are going nowhere? Taeyang: My biggest strength is that I don’t feel pressured by anything like that. It could be my weakness, too. I know what my heart says and I do what it tells me to do, so I take more time doing things than others. But I don’t like to think things in a negative way. I like translating what I like into action, so I do it, and wait until I really like it. I have the tendency to feel extremely stressed, so I try to avoid feeling that way. Q. Your music is maturing. What about yourself? Taeyang: This is something I learned while producing the latest album, but I realized that without personal growth, there couldn’t be a maturing process in music. You have to revisit your inner self at all times and think about who you are. And those feelings come together to create art and music. So this latest album taught me that you need to see growth within yourself first, in order to ripen your music. I have a better understanding of what is important in life now. Before, I had all my attention dedicated to music, and I thought music was everything, but now I know that people are the most valuable. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the rest of BIGBANG members and the people who cheered me on. My goal is to deliver them the most meaningful impact and inspiration. Q. How would you like these people to react to your music? Taeyang: Either by intention or by accident, my latest album is different to my previous one. It gives me a great pleasure when people tell me it is fresh, because that’s exactly how I feel. There are people who think it’s refreshing, and it makes me feel good. But one comment that made me the happiest was when I asked Producer Teddy and G-DRAGON to monitor my recorded songs 2 years ago, and it was “I am so jealous.” As someone who produced the song, no compliment could have given me the same amount of pleasure than this one did. Q. You took part at Pentaport Festival. Do you want to stand on a bigger stage? It doesn’t matter what kind of stage, I simply want to perform before the audience. If there is space for me to sing and dance, that’s all I need. As for Dome Tours, the stadium is so big that I don’t really feel anything personally, and I end up feeling like I’m singing on my own. At times like these I miss being on a smaller stage. A stage that I can interact with the audience more closely. Q. Does your current status differ from what you pictured yourself to be 10 years ago, when you were a trainee? Taeyang: I don’t think it looks greatly different to what I imagined I would be 10 years ago. I think I am slowly getting to what I pictured. Q. No longer in your early 20’s… what would be different? Taeyang: I do think that my sentiments are quite different to when I was in my early 20’s. I don’t know how I would change next year, but I think I’ll have grown more as a person and will have accumulated more experiences. And if my gut feelings are right, I think I will experience a peak in my musical career in my early 30’s. It would be after I come back from being trained at the army. I’m not saying it’s not the time yet, and I am doing what feels right for me now. Considering in different factors like time and my level of growth, I feel like I would become wiser as a musician in about 5 years. I will have a clearer idea about who I am, and I think that will help me peak in regards to music.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 14:21:54 +0000

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