*Tafsir /Explanation Surah Al Nasr* 1. When the help of Allah - TopicsExpress


*Tafsir /Explanation Surah Al Nasr* 1. When the help of Allah comes and the victory. ***This specific verse refers to the conquest of Mecca by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Prior to this victory, many of the Arab tribes resisted joining with the Prophet (pbuh). They wanted to see who would emerge victorious between him and the Quraish. They reasoned that if the Quraish were victorious, then Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not really a prophet. But if he was victorious, they reasoned, then he must really be a Messenger of Allah. 2. And you see people entering Allah’s religion in multitudes. ***With the Prophet’s (pbuh) victory over Mecca, the Arab tribes flocked to Islam in droves. They had been holding out for many reasons. But with this victory, these obstacles disappeared. Soon, the entire Arabian Peninsula had accepted Islam. His victory was proof that he was truly a Messenger of Allah. 3. So, glorify the praises of your Lord and ask His forgiveness; verily He is the one who accepts repentance. ***This verse is a command from Allah to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to increase his worship and glorification of Allah. This verse clearly indicates that the Prophet’s death was near. Here are some of the things the Prophet of Allah used to say when he prayed: “I glorify You our Lord, and all thanks and praises be to You, O Allah.” “Glory to Allah, and all praises and thanks be to Him. I ask Allah’s forgiveness and I repent to Him.” These words clearly indicate that the Prophet’s mission was coming to an end. You should ponder over this final verse. Allah ordered His Messenger (pbuh) to: Glorify Him. Praise Him. Seek His forgiveness. Then Allah reminds us that He is accepting of all forgiveness. If such a reminder was given to the Prophet of Allah (pbuh), what about us? How much are you and I in need of Allah’s forgiveness? How much more should we glorify and praise Him before our deaths? We should reflect on this Surah everyday as a reminder to increase our worship and ALWAYS seek Allah’s mercy and to continuously turn to Him in repentance islamiclearningmaterials/tafsir-surah-nasr/
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 05:54:12 +0000

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