Taguig Official Statement on Case Filed vs. Cayetanos The City of - TopicsExpress


Taguig Official Statement on Case Filed vs. Cayetanos The City of Taguig responded to the bogus charges filed against Senator Alan Peter “Companero” Cayetano and his wife, Mayor Lani Cayetano, by a classmate of Cong. Abby Binay to distract the public from the ongoing investigation on the P2-billion peso corruption scandal involving the Makati City parking building. “Any citizen has a right to file charges but the politics in this are clear – Atty. Vera is a law school classmate of Cong. Abby Binay and this is a law firm with close ties to VP Binay. The organization was also used as a shadow organization that attacked Secretary Mar Roxas during the Delfin Lee arrest. Their agenda is clear, make up bogus charges and distract from the ongoing investigation on the Binay’s corruption involving the Makati parking building. These are purely lies based on maliciously distorted facts, Taguig city councilor Darwin Icay said. “The allegations are simply not true and this was clearly just meant to distract people from the Binay’s corruption hearing later today. We purchased new ambulances and emergency response vehicles as a long term investment in the city. These new ambulances last longer, are safer, and retain their value for longer, Icay explained. “The City of Taguig made a smart investment in these new ambulances and emergency response vehicles – they will help. Contrary to Mayor Binays claim, these vehicles were not refurbished. We’re making a lot of smart investments to build for the future, including free education, medicine for our seniors and families, and creating jobs.” The Commission on Audit itself had no questions on the purchase of 18 brand new mini-ambulances and firetrucks in the city of Taguig, a project funded by Senator Cayetanos priority development assistance funds (PDAF), as part of their commitment to make every Taguigeno feel like a VIP. “Were proud of these efforts to offer free education, quality health care, and create jobs in Taguig - and in large part, this work was made possible by our efforts to reduce corruption. That’s one of our core values in Taguig - pag bawal ang corrupt, bigay todo ang biyaya. We’ll address any questions from the Binay front group, and hope that they are honest with the Filipino people about their connections to Binay, and their agenda, Icay said. The Binay camp is free to check the figures released by the COA in their reports. Instead, they distort these facts and figures to mislead the public and destroy the reputation of the Cayetanos, Icay said. ###
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:22:29 +0000

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