Tahiyyatul Musjid , our weak point! Imagine a visitor that - TopicsExpress


Tahiyyatul Musjid , our weak point! Imagine a visitor that enters your home, takes a seat, occupies himself with his personal affairs, fulfils his need and then leaves without even greeting you..? The consequences of such a visit are obvious! Moreover, what if such behavior is repeated daily or even weekly?!! Ironically, it is we ourselves that are the perpetrators of such behaviour and we don’t even realise it! Visiting Allah One who visits the Masjid is described as one who is actually visiting Allah Taala. (Shuabul Iman, hadith:2943, also see Takhreejul Ihya, hadith:408) A Sahabi once entered the Masjid of Rasulullah sallallahualaihi wasallam and sat down. Rasulullah sallallahualaihi wasallam reprimanded him by enquiring: “What prevented you from performing two (rak’ats of salah) before you sat?” The Sahabi radiyallahuanhu replied: “O messenger of Allah! (I did so because) I observed that you and the rest of the gathering were all seated.” Rasulullah sallallahualaihi wasallam then said: “When anyone of you enters the Masjid, he should not sit down until he offers two rak’ats of salah.” (Sahih Muslim, vol.1 pg.248) Sayyiduna Abu Qatadah radiyallahuanhu reports that Rasulullah sallallahualaihi wasallam once said: “Fulfil the right of the Masjid.” The Sahabah radiyallahuanhum enquired as to what was “the right of the Masjid” Rasulullah sallallahualaihi wasallam replied: “Two rak’ats of Salah before you sit.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah, 1824; Fathul Bari, vol.1 pg.696, Hadith:444) These two rak’ats have been termed: “Tahiyyatul Masjid” which translates as: “The greeting of the Masjid”. The ‘Ulama state that these two rak’ats are in actual fact one’s greeting to Allah, as the Masajid belong to him. (Tahtawi, pg.215 ; Shami, vol.2 pg.18).
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 20:30:21 +0000

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