Take My Word For It #2: Another Perspective on Passive Voice By - TopicsExpress


Take My Word For It #2: Another Perspective on Passive Voice By Randall Andrews eatsleepwrite.net/takemywordforit2 To show a scene in a book rather than tell a scene is one way good writers separate themselves from poor writers. Every writer has had someone with a keen eye tell them, “You need to show this and not tell it,” and every writer has scratched their head wondering how to do that. Usually the pat answer is to use all five senses. That’s painting the scene, giving it the richness it deserves, but that isn’t how you go about SHOWING a scene. The key to understanding SHOWING is to identify where the reader is in relation to the POV. Is the reader learning from the author where things are, or are they witnessing those things along with the POV character? In other words, have you, the author inserted yourself into the scene? (Every time you write, “He looked, he saw, he felt, he smelled, he heard,” you are between the reader and the scene, telling the reader what to do). If I write, “Billy smelled the hot spring as he rounded the turn; up ahead he saw a hot spring.” I’ve done two things to remove you from the experience. First, you are on the other side of the proscenium arch because I, as the author, have become that bridge. Second, I’ve taken the actual experience of smelling that hot spring away from you. READ THE REST ON eatsleepwrite.net/takemywordforit2 Eat Sleep Write Authors. Sharing. Conversations. Broaden your readership on Eat Sleep Write Submission Guidelines: eatsleepwrite.net/submissions Story Submissions:eatsleepwrite.net/submissions Poetry Submissions: eatsleepwrite.net/poetrysubmissions Advertising: eatsleepwrite.net/advertising Author Spotlight: EatSleepWrite.net/authorspotlight Twitter: https://twitter/EatSleepWriting Facebook: https://facebook/EatSleepWrite LinkedIn: linkedin/in/adamscull Wattpad: wattpad/user/EatSleepWriteDotNet Pinterest: pinterest/EatSleepWrite/
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 01:01:21 +0000

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