Take a Deep Breath Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly - TopicsExpress


Take a Deep Breath Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ September 05 – 12, 2014 received by Julie Miller September 5, 2014 Life sometimes has you moving at such a fast pace that at times you are barely able to catch your breath. There are challenges after challenges and struggles to deal with and overcome. Have you ever stopped to consider dear ones, why or how you continue to persevere and move forward, knowing quite well you could overtax yourself and become mentally, emotionally and physically burned out? We know and understand how stressful life can be, you have demands from your professional life, sometimes from your home life and the demands which you put on yourself that often causes one to find themselves dwelling in a well of despair instead of finding ways of cultivating joy and happiness into the times which could use some extra sunshine. It is important dear ones to try to maintain some optimism when manoeuvring through life. Life can become much more enjoyable by applying more focus on the things you already have, the accomplishments you have already met instead of worrying about what others are doing or what you haven’t attained yet. Count your blessings, be thankful for what you have succeeded. Understand that you have climbed over some pretty steep hurdles because you persevered, because somewhere deep down, you knew you could. And if you find yourself down in the dumps or feeling overwhelmed by life, just think that there are other dear souls out there in the world with much worse struggles and some of these precious dear souls are still able to smile, to laugh and find joy and it’s the smallest things that bring joy, not the big elaborate things that often come with big price tags. You always have had the power to cultivate an enjoyable life even while dealing with daily pressures and challenges. Look around you, see the things that you have, look within yourself and recognize the growth you have reached…by becoming grateful for what you have achieved, you are able to see you have already been bringing joy into your life just from the little changes you’ve added, adding a new hobby or two, reconnecting with God, realizing how important your health is, that you have place to call home, you have someone to talk to, people you can call family, possibly you are working, you’re a parent…the list goes on for all the great things you have going for yourself. And if there is anything else you want to try or look into, look dear ones with enthusiasm and take each direction one step at a time, enjoying the journey along the way. Adding more joy to your life requires you at some point to explore your thoughts and oftentimes to refocus your priorities. If it is your thoughts and the emotions that become attached to them that causes your mood to slip, then you already know dear ones that it requires a conscious effort from you to fill up your mind with good, positive thoughts. Remember even your thoughts carry energy. So whenever you are thinking about things that are pure, heart-felt, the vibration and energy you will emit will be warm and inviting. By allowing yourself to remain trapped in a harmful cycle of negative thinking and feeling, your mind begins to form negative feelings which becomes expressed in the form of anger and anxiety, which will attract more deeper forms of negative thinking sometimes causing you to lash out at others. No one deserves to be mistreated or disrespected. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and love. Only you can change your thoughts from angry to those that are warm and kind. What it comes down to dear ones is answering an important question: What do you want out of life? Which leads to another question. Do you want to be happy or do you want to live in a world of frustration? Try to remember other people will do what they want and what they feel they need to do. You are not them. You are unable to control them. How you react to what someone is doing with their own life only demonstrates what you have refused to see in yourself. Instead of judging others, look at yourself in the mirror and see that underneath your external differences you are both going through struggles, challenges and have dealt with difficult situations. You are both capable of bringing compassion into a situation instead of heavy, negative emotional responses. Reach out and support one another and conscientiously put some effort on the areas you think you are stuck the most in on this incredible life journey you are on and allow joy, love and happiness to shine through you and from you. There are many dear souls who turn to God for comfort when things are going in the wrong direction or not exactly the way they had hoped. Yet when things are going great and just the way they want it, how often do they give thanks to God? When you are able to see the many gifts He bestows upon you each day, you are able to realize just how much God is a part of your Joy. We see so often joy being credited to other people and things when He has been working behind the scenes helping you manifest your heart’s desire. He is always there with you, through the dark moments and through the lightest and brightest of moments of your journey. When it is time to be sad, allow yourself to be sad and if this sadness causes tears to flow, don’t became a dam and hold up the water, let the tears come, allow them to flow and dampen your skin. Allow your tears to wash away your frustrations, the reasons for your sadness which will make room for peace and calm to enter your being and allow grudges, feelings of hurt and anger to be swept away with the flow of tears. Release your sadness to God, lean into Him and allow Him to be your comfort during the deepest and most quietest times you give yourself. Become forgiving of other people and of yourself. You are all here to learn and the best learning is done through sharing and through sharing so much healing and growth can be gained. Be brave and apologize when you know you have over-stepped your boundaries and let go of the feeling of frustration when things don’t go exactly your way…make room in your heart for love, compassion and joy. Smiling, laughing, things that lift your spirit and bring delight to your day and life are the things that count the most and bring you joy. Find time in your busy day to sing, to add a little skip to your step. Don’t forget the healing powers of a smile. Smile at yourself and at others. You may think you look silly smiling at people, but some of them will smile back and you never know your good-natured, genuine smile may just be what someone needed to help turn their day around if they were a little down. The fakest of smile, will eventually turn into a real smile and your mood will be that much better for the positive effort you have taken. If you have acted foolishly, it’s okay to laugh at yourself, life isn’t meant to be all business and seriousness. Along the way, if you make mistakes, admit them and take the time to learn from them and how to apply that knowledge later on. Take a deep breath when you encounter difficult situations, be grateful for them and smile. Feed your soul the medicine of joy and rejoice in the new state of calm your mind will be in. Don’t allow so much of what others are doing get to you. Let them live their life and enjoy yours. Each of you has already the ability to cultivate more joy and to maintain a joyful, loving life style…the choice always has been yours. And so it is… I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey… …through Julie Miller youtu.be/v-vfFjNUGoo
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 16:29:29 +0000

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