Take a Knee By Harold Jones Posted January 22, - TopicsExpress


Take a Knee By Harold Jones Posted January 22, 2014 Ready: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He got up, went out, and made His way to a deserted place. And He was praying there. — Mark 1:35 Set: Most of us have heard a coach tell an athlete to “take a knee.” When this happens, we can usually count on two things: all physical activities will cease and communication is about to start. Any good coach needs to spend some time giving his team a game plan, and any good team has to take a knee to receive that plan. Jesus modeled how to properly “take a knee” while He walked the earth. He prayed daily and would often withdraw from everyone, even His disciples, to be alone with God. He understood the value of communicating with the Father. He understood that prayer was necessary to receive God’s game plan. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing and how to be at His best when the game was on the line. As a coach, I often feel it is best to have my players take a knee so we can just talk. Some of our most important times together are spent in communication and fellowship. As a Christian competitor, I encourage you to take a knee. Spend time in the Word and in prayer. Ask God to reveal His game plan for you. Take a knee and communicate with the ultimate coach. Go: 1. How often do you take a knee and listen to God? 2. When you do take a knee, how does it feel to have God talk to you personally? 3. Identify the best times and best ways that you connect with God and then run that play as often as you can. Workout: Extra Reading: Matthew 4:1–11; Luke 9:18; 22:39–46; James 4:8 Overtime: Father, I know that if it was important for Jesus to pray, then it is even more important for me to pray. I confess that I allow worldly things to get in the way of my time with You. In the midst of my busyness, please remind me when I need to stop and take a knee. Amen. - See more at: fcaresources/devotional/2014/01/22/take-knee#sthash.KkFkIgxD.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 16:36:51 +0000

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