Take a Pause: Slow lifting reduces bounce, ensuring that all - TopicsExpress


Take a Pause: Slow lifting reduces bounce, ensuring that all the work is done by your muscles rather than by the elastic energy your muscles keep in reserve for quick bursts of power. Another way to reduce bounce is to pause for a second or two at the sticking-point of a lift. For instance, hesitate in the bottom position of a squat or leave the bar on your chest during a bench press. Each of these positions is at the exercises most difficult position. The point where the weight seems heaviest and, therefore, where youre most likely to get stuck. Pausing at a sticking point will build isometric strength (no movement) that will enable you to handle heavier weights. Accept our challenge mnfc.bodybyvi and get your membership for free! follow us on Twitter @grandrapidsgym
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 19:27:20 +0000

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