Take a look in your cabinet or refrigerator and pull out one food - TopicsExpress


Take a look in your cabinet or refrigerator and pull out one food that you typically eat for breakfast, such as cereal, instant oatmeal, pre-packaged smoothies, or breakfast bars. Look at the ingredients list. Is sugar one of the first few ingredients? Sugar is a prominent player in many processed foods, including those that are eaten first thing in the morning. When you start your day with a meal thats high in sugar, you can set yourself up for a mid-morning crash that can leave you sleepy, headachy, and fatigued. By seeing the part that sugar plays in your breakfast, it may motivate you to choose foods that are lower in sugar and take longer to digest, such as whole-grain cereals and breads or low-fat dairy foods. Today I am about to make feta cheese, tomato, onion, garlic omelet so no sugars there but some days I wake up & eat whole milk Greek yogurt with raw local honey. I can tell its very sugary (but not artificial) because at times I do get a sugar crash. The choice of food today will do the opposite & give me more of a boost to start the day right.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:37:33 +0000

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