Take a wild guess! There are companies who hire foreign staffs by - TopicsExpress


Take a wild guess! There are companies who hire foreign staffs by submitting FAKE certificates or rather producing their academic certificates to get Visa/WP. This can be easily traced with evidence. If there is a proper regulation to check these issues and validate these certificates it will definitely reduce all this plus even when we hire foreign employees we can get qualified people from them we can learn more and develop. Would you believe that a company hired a foreigner as their X position and first this company paid for the required on job training to train this person prior to join. But for the same job there were local graduates with proper qualification. Just a simple example and if you dig more you will get more! My stand on this, HRD is hired his/her nationality and favored a fellow citizen. THINK: If i was the Director of HR, i would definitely have hired the most qualified local staff who is already well trained and ready for the job. What is the purpose of all these people who are graduated from all these famous universities? they are fed-up of job hunting with no Luck! #JustSaying Why Maldives Tourism Industry not 100% benefited to Maldivians employees? #JustAsking a. Its the system, stupid? b. Its our corrupt governments and regulations? c. We dont have proper law? d. Oh, its the uneducated people? e. Because we are all lazy?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:26:10 +0000

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