Take advantage of this great sale! Sale ends Sunday - TopicsExpress


Take advantage of this great sale! Sale ends Sunday 6/29!!! Remember you have a 60 day money back guarantee, but what you will get is so much better than your money back like me you may get your old self back. These great products are worth every penny - but why not save $5? Give it a try today. Additional money saver - order as a Preferred Customer it comes to you automatically (until you stop it) and you save $15 on the combo - in addition to this extra $5! After the first three months, you will save 10% more. How long have you been putting this off? Todays the day plexusslim/waynehines Ambassador # 277188 ************************************ Christine says - MY PLEXUS JOURNEY~ Im ready....Im ready to share my personal journey with you and the reason why I feel so blessed to have been brought into the world of Plexus! For years, I have suffered from mild to moderate depression and anxiety and I have been on numerous anti-depressants throughout the years. Over the past 10 years, I suffered the loss of my mother, and struggled with infertility. Both of these just added to my depression and anxiety issues. After a few years, was finally blessed with my first child, but when he was delivered, we were given the surprise diagnosis of Down syndrome. He has been the greatest blessing of our lives! However, raising a child does come with added stresses and worries, especially since he required open heart surgery at the tiny age of 5 1/2 months old. After that first year, I started treatments for infertility again, and over the first 3 years, I suffered 2 miscarriages. The miscarriages led doctors to the discovery of my severely enlarged thyroid and hypothyroidism and the subsequent removal of my entire thyroid. None of these events helped my state of mind, which was getting worse due to the effects of the hypothyroidism. With all the stress in my life after having my son, I never lost all of my baby weight. The effects of hypothyroidism only added to my fatigue and depression, inability to lose weight, and terrible brain fog, aside from the fertility medications I was on for years and the loss of my 2 pregnancies. Fast forward 1 1/2 more years to November 2013, when Plexus was introduced to me by a friend of a child with Down syndrome, whom Ive never even met! Who knew that the connection we had because of our magical children would actually change my life?! After reading all of the amazing testimonials regarding ailments personal to me (depression, hypothyroidism and infertility), I just knew I needed to try this product! Within 3 short days, I began losing weight, and I can honestly say that I felt better than I had in years!! My depression and anxiety were disappearing, and I was actually able to go off my anti-depressant! My cravings for junk were dissipating, and I quit drinking coffee without even realizing it!! My energy levels increased and my thyroid levels began to regulate quicker than they had with just my medication alone. My brain fog was gone and I was happy! I felt like MYSELF again, for the first time in 5 years!! And now...here I am. A, happy, healthy and another MIRACLE BABY on the way!! All I can say is, I wish Id been introduced to Plexus 5 years ago!! Better late than never, though, right? I just love my Pink Drink!! Take it from me....one little Pink Drink a day can change your life!!!! All natural health and weight loss solutions plexusslim/waynehines Ambassador # 277118
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 22:19:24 +0000

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