Take shelter Ok I saw this movie earlier today, didnt like it - TopicsExpress


Take shelter Ok I saw this movie earlier today, didnt like it at all. Didnt get it at all, especially the end. I thought it was poorly directed, edited, long, boring, bad sets, wardrobe, horrible food...and the end was just disturbing...so disturbing I had to google it and found you all with your insights. I kept reading realizing I shoulda smoked a bowl before I watched, I couldnt believe so many loved this movie, what was I missing? So I smoked a bowl and watched again after a lot of differing insights fresh in my mind...and wow Im so glad I did! My opinion has changed. I watched the first time looking forward to a disaster/fantasy flic excitement and was of course sorely dissappointed. What I saw in the second showing was a completely changed perspective. I agree with those that this is a metaphoric and symbolic movie only. Every scene and line are about the fast onset of mental illness and how an average, hard working, unimaginative family and community living pay check to pay check lucky enough to have shirty insurace that gives you the run around when sick and co pays you cant afford deal. The dreams are symbolic of what is happening to and inside his brain. The birds are his brain, patterns but mostly birds flying around unconnected. The storms are his illness, starting out on the horizon as something to watch, keep an eye on. Even the mother and daughter stare out the window watching. As the illness progresses the dream storm is on them they are in it, the edge, the rain, but there are other dangers, people. The first dream about the dog attacking him is because the dog knows he is a becoming a danger he is the storm, his illness is the danger, the dog does not know denial and becomes a threat, his friend knows something is up and becomes a threat, his wife is pushing him and wants to know and he flinches when she touches him. His paranoia break becomes full blown with the second dream of the birds, the birds are his brain attacking him and his daughter and the birds are dying. The paranoia has been building with the hallucinations when he is awake. He knows, he is scared and ill, he cant tell anyone but he goes to the doctor and a counselor all he can afford, he rationalizes because hes not ready to dace it. He and his family go thru the motions of living, moving forward, doing their normal things but its different there is a threat looming.They go thru denial but maintain. He builds a shelter to save them from whats coming, something huge. It comes, the night of the real storm during the second dream of the birds symbolizing a full fledged psychotic break as he wakes up to tornado warning sirens. They dash into the shelter. Don oxygen masks for a tornado warning, not paranoid at all. The shelter represents a safe place to try to save himself from what he cant stop from coming, he is in full paranoia mode going into that shelter with his family and wont/ cant leave. She coaches him out like one would coach an agoraphobic. This is the way we can be together she tells him. The next scene he is all but diagnosed in words in the shrinks office and sentenced with a short reprieve for the family to deal with its new normal as a family. The next scene in Florida is a dream symbolizing him coming to terms with his illness with his family. The daughter sees the storm on the horizon it is huge there is the oily rain his wife sees that turns his friends and even those he loves the most into threats. But they are together, his shelter is his family when the storm is huge, his only shelter. They must take shelter. The signs, the storm is here, they know now what they must do. Kathy Mae Struewing Sen
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:54:59 +0000

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