Take some Tylenol (or Excedrin, or Advil). Have you thought - TopicsExpress


Take some Tylenol (or Excedrin, or Advil). Have you thought about seeing a doctor? Maybe youre harboring unforgiveness, or hiding a secret. Just STFU. Seriously. Ive had migraines since puberty. Literally - within hours of noticing that first blood after recess in grade school. Are (some of) you seriously that stupid to think it never occurred to me to try over the counter pain medicine? And are (some of) you really that stupid to think someone would go through this on a near daily basis and NOT seek medical attention? You really think in 20 years I havent exhausted every avenue or researched every last bit I could? Do you even know my doctor(s)? Do you really think youre smarter than them? Are you so oblivious to who I am that you honestly think I would not have investigated all angles, including psychological, homeopathic, or otherwise? What kind of dumbass. . . ? :O And what kind of pansy-ass pain do you have that Tylenol (or other OTC medications) work for you? I mean, really, Im glad they do work for you because I loathe to think of the whining I would have to listen to if you ever felt any worse pain. Last night I had morphine - MORPHINE - for pain. It eased the burden SOME for about three hours. Then I still ended up vomiting from pain. Its hard to even TALK when you feel that bad, yet people keep asking questions. Oh, and Im sooooo deeply sorry that Im not exactly a ray of sunshine when you sit next to me, fully alert, speaking normally or perhaps even rapidly for longer than five minutes, then complain about your migraine headache that you have right now because you dont even know what that is. But really. Im sure its just that Im lazy and dont want to do anything, and if I would just take an Excedrin all would be right with the world. I really wish something could be sold over the counter to cure this special brand of dumbass. Unfortunately, it would probably need to be cyanide, and that would be illegal. In the mean time, I will settle for giving these A-holes a proper cussing when they suggest such idiocy from now on.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 17:03:28 +0000

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