“Take the Limits Off, Part 1: It’s Time to Walk on Water” - TopicsExpress


“Take the Limits Off, Part 1: It’s Time to Walk on Water” Matthew 14:23-33 If we are going to be experience new directions and unprecedented favor, there will be some situations that we will outgrow. It does not mean that there is something wrong; it’s just time to reposition to get to our new direction. Sometimes we outgrow people and situations but the familiarity of a thing will keep us constrained and locked in. Familiarity creates barriers and behaviors that places limits versus taking the limits off. When the cost becomes more than we are getting out of it and when it takes more work than it’s worth, then it’s time to move in a new direction. God will use unlikely circumstances to move us to a place so the limits can come off. God knows our nature and that we like comfort. We do not like to be challenged. When God uses unlikely situations, we tend to think that it is the devil, but it’s not. Jesus constrained the disciples to the boat. Constrain (restrict for a season or compel by force). The boat was a conduit or vehicle used to aid the disciples to get to their destination. They were never meant to stay in the boat. Sometimes we require temporary constraints for a season to get us going in the right direction so that we can get to our destiny. Jesus knew that the storm was coming. Storms are God’s way of teaching us to trust Him when we have nothing else. Everyone can trust God when there is no storm and when the winds are calm. Storms do not mean that God is mad. Sometimes God is trying to make us stronger. Once we learn to trust God through a storm, the rest is easy. The disciples see Jesus is on the water. Their first response was predictable. They were terrified in fear thinking that they saw a ghost. They were afraid of something that was outside the boat. They were afraid of something new. As with us, God is trying to show us something new and we like the disciples see it as unfamiliar and that it is outside our boat (comfort zone). We are afraid of the unknown and the unfamiliar. We respond by hanging on to familiar things. We interpret familiar as safe and that is not always the case. Like Peter, our circumstances cause us to lose sight of God so he gives us the benefit of the doubt that we cannot always SEE Him when we are in our storm, so he SAYS “Don’t Be Afraid… It is I.” Why did Peter ask Jesus to bid him to get out of the boat and come to Him? Why didn’t Peter stay in the boat? Jesus was already walking to them to save them. Why did Jesus bid him to come? The disciples in the boat were tripping and terrified. Peter felt constrained in the boat and the only thing that looked new was Jesus on the water. He took the limits off and walked on the water. Many times the people around us are not moving forward and have a negative mindset so we have to do something to get going in the right direction. However ...It’s important that we make certain that we know it’s Jesus before we jump out of the boat. When we take the limits off, we too can see that we are able to “walk on water.” There is a favor and new directions on our lives but as long as we stay in the boat, we will never see it. In order to get to the next realm (above our circumstances), we have to do some things we have never done in order to get to places where we have never been. Our last miracle was to build our faith in the natural. It was a set up in the earth realm to increase our faith for the next miracle that will be released in the Kingdom realm. In the earth realm, Jesus fed 5000, but in order to get the disciples to move toward their destiny, He had to put them in a boat and change their direction. He had to show them a supernatural miracle in the Kingdom realm. Things that happen in the Kingdom don’t make sense on earth. In the earth realm 1 and 1 is 2 (addition) but in the Kingdom realm 1 and 1 is 11 (multiplication). The Kingdom is the King’s domain where he operates his dynasty. It is where he decrees it and it is so! Supernatural things happen in the Kingdom realm. In the Kingdom, there are multiple dimensions to each realm so no matter where you turn, God is doing something. It’s like the difference between watching a movie in 2D versus 4D. Once we move through multiple dimensions in one realm, we are ready for a higher realm. ~Bishop Coleman @ GNHCM 1/4/2015 (First Sunday of the New Year)
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 03:00:44 +0000

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