Take the Monotony Out of Your Treadmill Workout The treadmill is - TopicsExpress


Take the Monotony Out of Your Treadmill Workout The treadmill is versatile, easy to use and the benefits it brings are undeniable. A new study published by the American Heart Association (AHA) journal found that walkers lowered their risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes as much as runners. Hydration Make sure you have a bottle of fresh water. Hydration is essential whether you are having a cardio workout or working out using weights. Water is transported to your muscles along with oxygen leaving you feeling energized for the duration of your workout and throughout the entire day. A lack of water will leave you feeling “burned out” and unable to perform as well as you should. Footwear Wear adequate footwear such as running shoes or cross trainers. This will improve your performance. There is nothing that irritates us more than seeing someone on the treadmill with improper footwear. This practice causes damage to the articulations, especially the knees, the arch in the foot and lower back to name a few. Clothing Wear comfortable clothing that is not too over sized. They will get in the way of your workout and make you overheat. Dumbbells These are optional. You can use 1-pound dumbbells during your treadmill workout to increase intensity. You can pick them up or put them down at any point during the workout. Arms These are not optional! Please use them. Don’t be shy. Swing those arms back and forth. It’ll increase the intensity of your workout and help you push harder when the going gets tough. Not to mention that it’s great for balance. Do not at any given time hold on to your treadmill!!! You’ll be taking all the benefits out of your workout. Legs Brothers and sisters give it all you’ve got. Always take large strides. It’s fabulous for the glutes, hamstrings, thighs, quads and calves. A Muslim Fitness Treadmill Workout Sample Everyone must adjust the intensity of his/her workout according to his/her personal fitness level. A cardio workout out should leave you out of breath during intense moments and 75% recuperation (comfort in breathing) should be feasible within 1 to 1.5 minutes for maximum benefits. Click to read more: productivemuslim/take-the-monotony-out-of-your-treadmill-workout/#ixzz2eA87DKgn Follow us: @AbuProductive on Twitter | ProductiveMuslim on Facebook
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 00:32:12 +0000

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