Take time to investigate what you are drinking and never under - TopicsExpress


Take time to investigate what you are drinking and never under estimate how important liquid is to your overall health. Lets take a look at my top five beverages for staying hydrated and losing body fat: 1) Water It doesnt get more pure and clean than water. Its the source of life! Water is a great non-caloric way to hydrate yourself and it will help to flush out your system. Those who arent getting enough water and who are in a state of dehydration will notice less ability to focus, poor energy levels, and a slowed metabolism. Getting enough water is an absolute must for success. 2) Coconut Water Next, you should also consider coconut water. Coconut water is full of important vitamins and minerals that will help to enhance your health and get you feeling that much better overall. Many people are now choosing to use this beverage instead of the more traditional sports drinks, so its definitely something that you will want to consider if youre highly active and looking to feel and perform your best. 3) Lemon/Citrus Water Lemon or citrus flavoured water is an excellent beverage to stay hydrated. You can make this by simply adding a few slices of lemon, orange, or grapefruit in a large jug of water, which will instantly boost the flavour. (Try crystallized citrus for a super easy solution: truecitrus. Its my favourite and I always have it in my purse!) 4) Green Tea Green tea is the next beverage that you should be including in your diet on a regular basis. Green tea is very high in antioxidants and will help with fending off free radicals while also providing a boost to your metabolism! 5) Fuel, Skinné, and Energé Nutrié drinks are a great way to make sure you are getting quality ingredients into your body. Fuel is perfect any time of the day to help feed your muscles, which will boost your metabolism. Skinné is the perfect alternative to your sugary coffee drink! Itll give you a quick boost in energy and focus, decrease cravings, and assist in your fat loss goals. Energé will give you the boost you need through healthy ingredients with out sugar. Its a perfect replacement for your soda habit!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:05:46 +0000

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