Taken from--The Perfect love Triangle Knowing your shopping - TopicsExpress


Taken from--The Perfect love Triangle Knowing your shopping list Many of us as people, don’t even know what we want and what is best for us. Sometimes what we want is not want is best for us. Can you think of how you had to choose what you wanted to be in life? The feeling of having so many choices and don’t know which ones to choose. This is how it would be and feel for you at this point of your life. You can almost call it being confused and you would need to have a look at the things that you would like to find in that person. At this time you would be looking at things that you would be able to compromise and the ones that you will not be able to. This is a very important part of the process of finding a life companion. You should know what you don’t can’t change based on your principles that you have in your life. Sometimes when you go shopping they would have special going on sale. You would need to be in a place where you can see the good deals for the day. That person may have some bad things that you don’t like but you would need to see the good in them that you think you would be able to stand. You may have heard people say that men can’t change well I am here to tell you that is not true anyone can change if they really want to. So, no one is perfect but being perfect is not what you are looking for but for someone that is perfect for you. And you need to remember this. Ask yourself what you can put up with? We just have to see what is in the person for me. That is what change us and make us a better person when we can see what is in it for us. So take good time and care to look at your list. Have a look at them to see if they have what you have on your list. Are the things that are on your list in that person? Make sure it is practical and has room for growth. What happens when you go to the shop and you have right amount of money to buy that pair of shoes and you see something else you like or need and you can’t get it. So the same way when you are looking for a person to date or to love makes sure that you leave room for extra improvement. Life is a road that on it you will find all kinds of different people some short like me and tall like others. But don’t let that stop you from getting what you want. So don’t aim for less than the best. Let the moon be your target so if you fall you would fall among the stars as they say. We are all humans and that is it not this man is form mars and women from Venus. What make us male and female are our organs. The character on the person that makes them who they are and we know what is good about people that we like and would want to have in our lives. People would want you to believe that we are so not the same thinking but you are the one that would have to try and tolerate the person that you would want to have in your life good or bad.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 20:46:53 +0000

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