Taken from T. Dion Burns Worth the read: This whole Bill Cosby - TopicsExpress


Taken from T. Dion Burns Worth the read: This whole Bill Cosby fiasco reminds me of my experiences with religion and accepting certain realities. As a child, just as many are, I was raised to believe in God and go to church. And thats what I did. I believed in God and went to church. I believed what I was told and lived according to it. When I became a teen, I was convinced that I was called to minister. So, I spent a lot of time studying and questioning and working to understand the truths according to the book I was taught to believe. But the more of the book I began to understand, the more I saw that many churches and peoples teachings contradicted the very book from which they taught - some by just a little, some by a lot. This is where the Cosby similarities come in. The more I openly questioned the integrity of the organization the more crazy I seemed, because people refused to consider that there could be anything wrong with the place they loved so dearly, the belief system that their parents, grandparents and they themselves grew up on. So, rather than discussing the possibility, people would reject the notion altogether, just as people reject the notion, altogether, that Cosby could be capable of such acts. But I understand why. When I finally accepted that what I grew up on wasnt altogether true, but a lot of tradition based on what people want to believe, I was hurt. I had to throw away much of what I was certain of....and learn what I should believe in, all over again. Cosby is an icon who gave us something to believe in (especially African Americans). And to see him go down as a rapist would make what we believed in (that we have some purely upstanding people, free of scandal) a lie. If he is guilty, he lied to us. He didnt live according to the image he portrayed. I truly hope he is innocent. But, in order to embrace the truth, I have to be able to consider that he could be that flawed.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:11:48 +0000

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