Taken from the biography of Charles Weigle, “Life and Music of - TopicsExpress


Taken from the biography of Charles Weigle, “Life and Music of Charles Weigle” There came a day when I was arrested for my misdeeds and taken to court. As I sat alone and saw the crowd in the room waiting to see what the judge would do with me, I realized the seriousness of the situation. It appeared as if I were doomed to go to prison, for I was guilty. When the judge came in and took his place behind the bench, he looked down at my shrinking form and said with a voice that sounded like the knell of doom to me, Young man, have you an attorney? I said, No sir, I havent got anybody. He looked over the courtroom and then motioned to a handsome young man to come forward, and said to him, You will kindly act as his attorney. That handsome young lawyer came and sat down beside me and took charge of my case. One thing that brought a little hope to my heart was the attitude of my attorney. He sat close to me and spoke to me with a voice that was full of tender sympathy. I felt that he was my friend and that he cared for me and wanted to help me. When I told him of all the mean things I had been doing and for which I had been arrested, he assured me that he would help me. All I had to do was to tell the truth and leave the rest with him. That seemed to relieve my mind some what. After the trial began, however, and one witness after another testified against me, I began to lose hope. One of them said I knocked him down with a ball bat and almost killed him. My attorney said to me, Did you do that? I said, Yes Sir. The next witness accused me of having seriously injured him with a heavy dinner bell, and my attorney again said, Did you do that? I said, Yes Sir. My own brother came to witness against me, declaring that I had used a knife on him and had almost taken his life. My attorney turned to me and asked, Have you been guilty of all these acts? and I said, Yes, Sir, and a lot of other things they dont even know about. He tried to relieve my fears by saying, Trust me - Ill help you. Finally, the prosecuting attorney rose up and, speaking to the judge, said, Your Honor, according to the evidence brought by these witnesses, the defendant is guilty of all charges brought against him. He is a potential murderer and a menace to this community, and we ask that he be placed in prison for a long duration of time. Then my heart sank within me and I said to myself, There is no hope for me. When my attorney arose to speak in my defense, I wondered what He could do for me. Looking at the judge, he said, Father. That one word brought hope for me. Looking at his father, the judge, he said, Father, the defendant pleads guilty to every charge brought against him. He asks for mercy; and as his attorney, I plead for him. I believe that if the court will grant my plea, this young man will live a new and a better life. I saw the judge rise to his feet as my attorney spoke. There was a look of love and kindness as he said, But my Son, the defendant is guilty. There is a penalty that must be paid, according to the law. Ill take care of that and suffer the penalty, said my attorney. And then, to my joy and amazement, the judge said, It is the decision of the court that, in response to the plea made by the attorney for the defendant, he be pardoned and set at liberty, with the understanding that he show by his manner of life a due respect for the law and a kindness toward his neighbors. I was free! My heart was filled with joy as I clasped the hand of my attorney and, with moist eyes, tried to express my gratitude. He placed his arms about me and, in a voice that sounded like the music of an angels harp, he said, You and I will be friends forever. Well be brothers; and whenever you need any help, you may come to me and Ill help you. Since that day he has never forgotten me. Weve been as close as brothers can be down through the years. Let me explain to you the fact that the courthouse where I had this wonderful experience was a little frame church during the progress of a revival, where the great truths of the Bible were being preached. One night, as I sat on a rear seat, the Holy Spirit, the High Sheriff of Heaven, arrested me and led me to the front in sight of all the people present. I was convicted and condemned, and confessed my guilt to Almighty God. There seemed no hope for me. My sins towered up before me. Then Jesus came and quieted my fears. He paid the penalty for all my sins and guilt. He pleaded my case in the high court of heaven and won my pardon. When this great truth dawned upon my mind, my heart was filled with gratitude and praise. There came a great love into my heart for my Saviour. That love has grown until He has the chief place in my life. Some day I expect to see Him face to face. That will be heaven for me.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 23:20:48 +0000

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