Taking Authority Over Your Emotions We are emotional beings. We - TopicsExpress


Taking Authority Over Your Emotions We are emotional beings. We all have emotions. The question is: Do your emotions have you? Both men and women have emotions, but they deal with them differently. Women verbalise, while men internalise. Living an emotional life leads to hurt, depression, sickness, lack and no thought concerning your future. Emotions are “feelings caused by pain or pleasure that try to move you in a certain direction.” If your emotions are in charge of your life, they will determine the direction of your life. When you are in charge of your life and the Word is your final authority, your emotions will line up with God and His Word. Emotions are part of the soulish realm. As your soul goes, so goes the rest of your life (3 Jn 2). As your emotions go, your life will follow. God created us to dominate; however, we were not designed to dominate people. People who try to control others don’t have control over their own emotions. Mastering your emotions doesn’t mean that you can no longer express them. God designed us to express passion and emotion. Sin, the devil and the curse that resulted from Adam’s disobedience in the garden perverted emotions. Men and women who are not born-from-above are controlled by their emotions and are under the curse. Adam and Eve were controlled by their emotions when they disobeyed God. Their disobedience brought the curse of the law into place. People often make emotional decisions in trying to protect their feelings. When they do so, they are not thinking about their future. The root to negative emotions is a sense of powerlessness. It tries to negatively convince you that: You can’t change your circumstances. You can’t change your personality. You are weak. The truth is that God has given you the authority to change everything. God gave His authority to Adam. Adam then gave away his authority to satan, but Jesus returned the authority to the believer by taking it from satan (Lk 10:19). You have authority over the earth and are able to call those things that are not as though they were, so speak your health, wisdom, wealth and prosperity no matter what it looks like. Know your authority. In (Acts 19:13-16), the sons of Sceva tried to use the authority found in Jesus’ name to cast out demons, without having a revelation of His power. As a result, the demons were able to defeat them. If you don’t believe that you have authority, you will put up with sickness, depression, lack, powerlessness and bondage. Knowing your authority gives you power over everything. satan will test you to see if you know who you are in Christ and if you know your authority. Adam and Eve did not know their authority and gave it away (Gen 3:1-6). Jesus knew His authority and put in his place (Mt 4:1-11). You have the authority to hire heaven to fire hell. Controlling your emotions You must not be ruled by your emotions as they can constantly change. Emotions are designed to take you somewhere. Ask yourself: Where are my emotions taking me? It is important that you allow the Word of God to control your emotions and decisions. When your thoughts are lined up with the Word, your emotions will fall in line, and you will have peace and security. Learn to control your thoughts, because your emotions will follow your thoughts. If you can control your emotions, you can do anything. (Prov 16:32) says that a person who can control his emotions is more powerful than an army that can take a city. Points to remember You can take control over your emotions. Self-control is a godly force that God uses to direct your life where He has designed it to go. Uncontrolled or unyielding emotions lead to controlling the wrong thing. Having an understanding of the Word and allowing your life to be governed by the Word will enable you to control your emotions. If you don’t have control over your emotions, you will try to control others, which is not God’s will. Jesus had emotions, but His emotions did not have control over Him. Jesus understands our weaknesses and temptations. He experienced them too (Heb 4:15). Jesus’ emotions tried to move Him out of the will of God (Mk 14:32-35). Jesus’ emotions were apparent—He was struck with terror, amazement, was deeply troubled and depressed, and His soul was exceedingly sad to the point that it almost killed Him, but He was in control of them regardless of the situation. Jesus can understand and relate to what we go through. He was attacked in His emotions just as we are. A person who can control his or her emotions can accomplish anything in life. We have to find the balance between our faith and our emotions. Jesus did not allow His emotions to dictate His decisions. Don’t allow your decisions to be based on how you feel. The world has a saying, “If it feels good, then it must be right,” but as a Believer, you have to follow the Word. Even though Jesus’ emotions were trying to lead Him away from the cross, He didn’t stop going in the direction that God called Him to; and He continued to pray. You have to pray through the situation. How you deal with your emotions will determine whether you experience the blessing or the curse. The curse that came on mankind after Adam and Eve sinned was that emotions would try to rule people. Don’t make decisions based on emotions, but on the Word and God’s leading. Don’t allow things that look good to the eye to move you. The fruit was appealing to Adam and Eve. They based their decision to sin on their emotions. Three factors in making successful decisions vs. emotional decisions are: (1) Accurate knowledge (Hos 4:6). (2) Wisdom and wise counsel. (3) Understanding the process to reach the desired goals. Many problems that people face are based on their emotions. Emotions are the source of sin in your life. Once you are born-from-above, you are free from the power of sin. The degree to which you gain control of your emotions is the degree to which you will walk free from the dictates of sin.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 06:32:50 +0000

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