Taking Control Over Our Emotions God created you with emotions, - TopicsExpress


Taking Control Over Our Emotions God created you with emotions, but He never intended for your emotions to control you. It is possible to completely master your emotions. By taking authority over hurt and unruly emotions, you can become emotionally invincible. A. God desires your soul to prosper, which includes your emotions (3 John 2). 1. Your soul compartment includes three parts—your mind, will and emotions. a. Emotions are feelings on the inside, caused by pleasure or pain, that try to get you to move in a certain direction. 2. It is God’s will for you to master your emotions. a. When you are not mastering your emotions, they are mastering you. b. When you take control of your thoughts by lining them up with the Word, your emotions will fall in line with your thinking. 3. Your emotions should not lead your life. 4. Self-control is a godly force that enables you to take control of your spirit (Proverbs 16:32). 5. The root cause of every negative emotion is a sense of powerlessness. B. Jesus had emotions, but He didn’t let His emotions control Him (Hebrews 4:15). 1. Jesus experienced every feeling that we experience. He understands our emotions when we go through things, but we must follow His example. 2. You don’t give authority to feelings just because they show up. 3. Satan tried to move Jesus away from the will of God for His life by attacking His emotions in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:32). 4. No matter what you face emotionally, go forward and pray through it as Jesus did. C. There are three areas in which the devil wants to convince you that you can’t change: 1. Your personality. 2. Your circumstances. 3. Your weaknesses. D. God has given you authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). 1. The devil can’t force you to do anything; he can only make suggestions. 2. He tries to hurt you emotionally so that you are vulnerable to his attacks. a. When you are hurt, your emotions are pumped up and cause you to make emotional decisions, which move you out of the will of God for your life. b. When you put up defenses to protect your feelings, you are also protecting Satan’s access points into your life. c. Hurt is designed to stop you from moving forward. d. You can resolve to never be hurt another day in your life. i. You can be emotionally invincible. ii. You must dismiss what people have done to you. 3. When you get angry and depressed, you lose the ability to fight off negative feelings. a. Hurt people make bad decisions. E. There is a right and a wrong way to get over hurt. 1. The seven steps to being delivered from hurt are: a. Take up the shield of faith, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:16). It is what God says that matters, not what others say. b. Forgive others as an act of faith. i. Forgiveness is a decision, not something that is done according to how you feel or how another person treats you. ii. Don’t “for-sell” your forgiveness by expecting others to do something or change before you forgive them. c. Stop reliving the situation. d. Stop making excuses for why you are so easily hurt. i. Get out of your past (Philippians 3:13). e. Stop wearing your emotions on your sleeve. f. Stop trying to get even with people who have hurt you. g. Take communion over the situation. 2. When you have been hurt, don’t: a. Try to get back at someone by hurting him or her. b. Pretend you are not hurt. c. Decide not to trust anymore. d. Harden your heart. • 3 John 2 • Proverbs 16:32 • Hebrews 4:15 • Mark 14:32 • Luke 10:19 • Ephesians 6:16 • Philippians 3:13
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:40:51 +0000

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