Taking Stock of Our 54 Years as an Independent Nation By - TopicsExpress


Taking Stock of Our 54 Years as an Independent Nation By Honourable E.U. Samuel On October 1st being tomorrow, The Federal Republic of Nigeria becomes 54 years as an Independent Nation after it remains was handed to the people in 1960. From that period till now, the component states that formed the Federation have been in constant conflict and disagreement leading to lack of trust and Patriotism among the citizens. Having existed for 54 years Nigeria has nothing absolutely to show for this despite the huge mineral and human resources she is endowed with. Many had hope that democracy would produce a counter development and help restore the wasted years of the military rule and other failed civil transitions, but the reverse is the case. Democracy has rather produced the worst dictatorship any democracy could witness in the World and multiplied the sickness of the Nation. The major sickness of the Nation has been glorified and magnified CORRUPTION. Leaders of the Nation are so dipped in corruption to the extent of them talking about corruption would amount to an enzyme digesting the cells that produces it in the mouth. Corruption has multiplied to such a level in which if you are not corrupt you are insane or be seen to be very asocial. The language of corruption has no exception ranging from the civil servants who are corruptions themselves to other public officer being corruption personified. Even Minister of the Church have turned to Corruption spiritualised while Native doctors are now modernised in suit and coats with offices. As Nigeria celebrates her failure, the youths must begin to reflect on what the future hold for them and where they go from here. what ever we sow today is what we reap tomorrow and as it stands now, the Federation is sowing nothing rather than corruption and divide and rule. The Youths have no role to play in future and cannot decide their destinies because of the existence of super tyrants like David Mark and Nyako. David Mark has been in the Legislative House for the last 15 years despite having served as Military Governor. Is he the only educated Idoma? The Youths must learn to revolt against policies that work against their future interest with their rights to Protest. Youths who are jobless are far more than the employed and many has turned to such a degrading profession as riding Okada. The poor and old have nothing to do with Government because they do not even know there is any government in existence. This is because their lives have never been touched by the theoretical development they only hear about but never seen. They lack proper health care, no pipe born water, no electricity, no social grant for the weak and elderly. Price has never come down in Nigeria for once, all we hear is always daily increase and without corresponding increase in income. The silence of the people and their acceptance of the political and economic status quo has given legitimacy to the Deceits who parade themselves as leaders while the talents of the states are buried daily in the Cemetery due to errors of maladministration. There are two regrets which God made in the Bible and they are both applicable to Nigeria. First he regretted ever making man and am sure he must have regretted why England manufactured Nigeria. Secondly, he regretted making Saul king, the same God has regretted making the leaders rulers if at all he is even aware of them. To my mind, there is nothing to celebrate since we cannot celebrate failure. If a 54 years old man dies now we will not much cry of untimely date because he is old enough to have delivered 75% of his life mission.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:35:20 +0000

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