Taking sweetness to Stupidity - So im standing inside Mad - TopicsExpress


Taking sweetness to Stupidity - So im standing inside Mad Butchers trying to decide what to buy for dinner. Very hard this as I have to choose something that both Parents and kids will eat. (This making separate meals to please both parties is getting to be a bit TOO much). So im standing at the steak section undecided on Rump or Sirloin. Rump naturally has more meat. Sirloin...On special. So saying...im taking awhile as my brains not functioning too well this morning and its taking me awhile to decide. I happen to notice 2 customers walk in whilst im doing this. One of them a man. The man walks up to the steak section, im not paying too much attention although I figures maybe ill have a peak at what he decides to get...might help me decide see??.. So again...im pondering pondering and this time spying with my peripheral vision...and moving down as I go, checking out what else they have when I sense the man keeps glancing over at me. Im thinking..oh clappers...hope he didnt catch me out..probably thinks Im some kinda perv...right??... So I say to myself...kk cross over to the other fridge and see whats there... afew mins later he crosses over... I take no notice after all its not against the rules. after a while of wasting time looking at frozens, I decide to return to the steaks again... not long after he (the man) comes back along side the steak section. Now im noticing. But not too much as I dont want to make crazy assumptions. But then I look up remembering I didnt lock my car as its parked right outside the store, so I check to see no ones being a hero and trying to take of with it. And as I go to glance pass the man BAM!!! I catch this stranger man looking sideways right at me...Im talking eye contact here people. I do one of those weird half smiles where its kinda fake, but also kinda real at the same time, although in reality it comes across looking like your face twitched?? and then I look back at the steaks, which turns out not steaks but Silverside cause thats right next to the steaks.. Okay now im really noticing..I mean seriously?? creepy vibes. Course im saying this in my head and having a little laugh to myself..Yeah, wouldnt that be a hoot...like im some kind of celebrity or super model beauty who just scored herself a staaaalker.. hahahaha... Anyway still talking to myself (in my head people..not out loud.....are you mad??!!!) Anyway I decide to stand there and take a break. Let my mind be free, clear to all other thoughts in the hopes with clarity, a decision will be made and that this feeling of oddness is really all just in my head and that maybe, I didnt realise I was actually talking to myself out loud and not in my head so this poor guys probably looking at me thinking...Damn, this ones a few screws loose. But NO people....I was right the first time. Cause next thing I know he comes up right close next to me and says loud enough for only me to hear ...If you cant find a piece of meat good enough, I have one here for you....... HOLY WTFFFFFF!!!!!! Now ask me people...(or anyone whos had the patience to bother reading this I should say)...Go on ask me...please....Im telling you... Just ask.... ok fine ill tell you. I people....I FINAU APOLOSI-TONGA reply to this not half bad but still creepy looking man, with a slight chuckle of friendliness like he just said a funny non offensive joke...and say..Oh cool... with a big smile and walk off calmly but faster then normal grabbing a tray of $20 lamb chops along the way... I dont like hurting other peoples feelings so thats my natural reaction though if I did have more time to think this out it would have come out differently I sure,..which reminds me of the day I was at the petrol station and just as I was about to put the petrol pump back. The lady across from me pulls out the nozzle on her side accidentally pressing the nozzle switch up there by releasing petrol. Naturally she had the nozzle pointed right in my direction splatting me with about id say a cup and a half of petrol which luckily didnt get in my mouth. Guess who jumped in and apologized first?? Yes thats right, yours truly ....Stupidity at its best I know...So that was my mornings drama for the day. Thought id pop on FB and share cause.... 1. I have nothing better to do just yet. 2. It was a moment of complete bewilderment and... 3. cause im in a talking mood and theres no one to talk to but facebook....hahahaha....good day one and all... ~ The End ~
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 22:30:42 +0000

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