Tales from my old Blackberry... Took my soon to be 63 year old - TopicsExpress


Tales from my old Blackberry... Took my soon to be 63 year old land lady, Nieves, to the emergency room at a Bronx hospital. _ She thought she was having a heart attack_ A young thirtysomenthing, beautiful woman, sits with a book on her lap, What to expect when you are expecting -- her tommy shows why she reads it. The old doctor comes, sits in front of her and says, I have to be completely frank with you. Your baby is dead. Her face went blank, the doctor kept talking; he was saying that what was important is that she was going to be fine, that she is young and will be able to try again. However, by then it was clear she was not listening to anything the good doctor was saying. The big double door opens and her much older husband comes in, she leaves the doctor to cling and embrace her old man. The tears in her eyes tell him All is Lost. The doctor wants to keep her overnight for observation only, just to be sure. They agree without saying a word. On one of the many beds in the hall, a very old and skinny woman with no teeth and a very black and blue eye, keeps mumbling Is anybody here with me. I dont want to die alone; she says this over and over to no one in particular. No one is there with her and no one pays particular attention to her. I hold her hand… Señor, the voice says next to my right ear; We need you to move. - Turn to see who is the We this man is talking about, to find that is only him. The double door opens and escorted by two cops in front and two more behind, in walks a very big and very black man; hands and feet handcuffed. This is the We he was talking about I now realize. This We was shot, twice, once in the neck, once in his left buttock. Somehow he finds that funny. Doctor comes out and says, “Seems your are having a bad month. The last time it was your right buttock.... Tells of life, death and in between while I wait for word on my landlady’s heart condition.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:53:28 +0000

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