Tales from the prefects room Pt 4 ‘Who’s on late duty?’ - TopicsExpress


Tales from the prefects room Pt 4 ‘Who’s on late duty?’ Asked Lucy as the prefects started to get ready for morning school. ‘Oh, it’s me.’ Replied Gaynor casually. ‘Don’t you think it’s time you were at the gate?’ said Lucy. ‘I suppose so; it’s such a drag standing out there, specially as it’s raining.’ Complained Gaynor. ‘Well you wanted to be a perfect so you jolly well need to be doing it then.’ Replied Lucy sharply. Lucy took her job as head girl very seriously and ruled the prefect’s room accordingly. ‘Ok, ok, I’m going.’ Said Gaynor as she slowly rose from the comfort of an armchair. It was one of the prefect’s duties to check any latecomers at 8.45 and take the names. The girls then had to report to Lucy at morning break for the cane, A first offence would be one stoke and each subsequent offence would entail one extra stroke. If it went further than three times in a term then the offender would be sent to Miss Harrison, the PE mistress, who would give four strokes and upwards. Not too many girls were late four or more times in a term as Miss Harrison had a formidable reputation with the cane; no girl left her room without shedding plenty of tears. Just after nine o’clock Gaynor returned with the names of the latecomers; two of them. After assembly Lucy returned and entered the names in the latecomer’s book. It was the head girl’s sole responsibility for disciplining latecomers. The first name was Patricia Holmes, a first offender from year two and the second was Marina Scott with her third offence. Just before break Lucy returned to the prefect’s room and took out the cane from her locker and laid it on the table. Then she opened the latecomer’s book in readiness for the first arrival. Then she moved the chair into position. Hardly had the bell sounded than there was a knock on the door. A young girl entered and went up to Lucy. She felt afraid at the sight of all the prefects sitting round, some staring at her. ‘I was late this morning’ She said. ‘Are you Patricia Holmes?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘This is your first offence?’ ‘Yes.’ Lucy picked up the cane. ‘One stroke. Bend over the chair.’ With biting lip the girl bent over the chair; it was clearly her first experience of the cane. Lucy lifted her skirt. Swish Thwaacckk!! ‘Oooow’ ‘Get up.’ ‘Off you go.’ Said Lucy. The girl quickly scurried out, glad that her ordeal was now over. Lucy entered the details in the punishment book. ‘One down, one to go.’ Said Terri. ‘Anyone going to the tuck shop?’ Asked Mary. There was much shaking of heads. ‘I suppose you lot don’t want to miss the next caning.’ Said Mary. ‘Dead right.’ Said Wendy slumped in an armchair. ‘I’ve seen enough of these, seen one you’ve seen the all. I’m going, anybody want anything?’ Asked Mary Nobody replied. ‘Ok, I’m off.’ Just as she was going out of the door the second girl arrived for her caning. As she walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. She felt all the eyes were on her which made her feel as if she wanted the ground would swallow her up. Lucy got from her chair. ‘Come for the cane have you?’ Asked Lucy. ‘Yes.’ Replied the girl. ‘I think you know what to do.’ Said Lucy picking up the cane. Marina dutifully bent over the chair and waited while Lucy pulled up her skirt. ‘I think we’ll have those tights down.’ Said Lucy adding to Marina’s humiliation. Several prefects grinned at each other. With tights down Lucy proceeded to apply the cane to a nice tight pair of knickers. Thwack!! Thwack!! Thwacckk!! ‘Oooowww’ ‘Get up.’ Ordered Lucy. Marina got up and pulled up her tights. ‘Next time it’s straight to Miss Harrison. Is that clear?’ said Lucy. ‘Yes.’ Replied marina rubbing her sore bottom. ‘Now get out.’ Snapped Lucy. Marina walked awkwardly to the door and Lucy entered the details in the punishment book. The punishment book was taken each Friday to the Heads secretary for her inspection. Lucy then returned the cane to her locker.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:27:35 +0000

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