Tales of the Outbound Part 5 Days like this: Aaron Butler - TopicsExpress


Tales of the Outbound Part 5 Days like this: Aaron Butler finished polishing Lesh-Master Bargamin’s head and once again found himself suppressing his feeling of disgust. “Will that be all Lesh-Master Bargamin?” He asked. “No Butler, I want you to find me someone I can play Ka-ching with.” Lesh-Master Bargamin said and turned his attention back to the matters at hand with the starship Outbound. Butler stuttered at the command because whoever he picked to play would not see another day. Lesh-Master Bargamin never lost at any game and Ka-ching was his best. In the conference room on C-deck Jerry needed answers and he needed them fast. “Ok what do we know and what do we think we know?” Jerry asked. “Well Jer it looks like the system failures coincided with the boarding party breach.” Jeff said. “Well I kinda figured that Jeff. Tell me something I don’t know.” Jerry said. Murphy spoke up “We are starting to see a pattern in the network interruptions and its moving back towards the breach. Hammer and Jimbo are still in area 51 of the main access way and the rest including Bennett and jammann have fallen back to Bulkhead 53. That’s all we know for sure except for Hammers call to wave off the maintenance drones.” “And did we do that for Mr. Hammer Mr. Murphy?” Jerry asked. “No Sir we did not. We lost comm with the drones right after the go command was issued. They will fulfill the mission till it’s over or we re-establish communications and recall them.” “So let me see if I got this straight. We are cutting a hole over the heads of Hammer and Jimbo. We still don’t know what is wrecking the network and coincidently the only two who might know ARE THE SAME TWO PEOPLE THAT WE’RE CUTTING A HOLE OVER THEIR HEADS AND SUCKING THEM OUT TO SPACE!!!” Jerry took a deep breath and said “Now is it just me or does anyone else see a problem with this? Has Hammer asked for help?” “Communications are hit or miss at best Jer,” Jeff said. “Alright then, send White and that creature he calls his pet down there and see if he can’t be of some help this time. I just don’t want a repeat of the last drill when that thing bit half the crew. Oh momma said there be days like this” Bennett and jammann moved the Marines aside, half on each side of the access way. One Marine was about to protest the bulkhead not being sealed when Veryl White and his hairless Gerber came sprinting by. Only jammann did not flinch and all of the Marines were shocked when Veryl and the Gerber stopped where Bennett and jammann were standing and he asked what was going on. The fact that he stopped did not shock them. It was the scene that followed of jammann rubbing the Gerbers belly and telling it what a good baby it was! Not one of the Marines noticed her lips did not move during the encounter. They all knew Gerbers are bad news. And as long as they are not eating your leg off, they are considered to be good Gerbers. Bennett wasted no time. “Veryl, Hammer and Jimbo are about to enter sector 51 again and try to get the alien box tripping the IWO meter out of the ship.” “Emitting IWO’s issues?” Veryl asked shaking his head. “Ok, we can come back to that. Why are Princess and I here?” “Well” Bennett said “Hammer and Jimbo need to get the alien box off the ship. And the quickest way to do that is here. In an access way covered in supposedly dead mutants.” “Dead mutant detail again huh. When do we get some fresh meat? Princess let’s go! Get up!” And with that Princess stopped the love fest with jammann and moved out on point down the main access way. In his mind Veryl knew he would have to review the interaction of Princess with jammann later. But for now he had a job to do and mutants could never be taken lightly. Bennett asked jammann if Princess was up to the challenging task ahead. All jammann said was purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. And with that Bennett headed for the hanger deck. She had a date with a hot ship. Hammer and Jimbo had just reached the pile of mutant bodies and started to climb them, when out of the stack of dead mutants a mutant arm grabbed Jimbo! He screamed in shock as Hammer swung his weapon around.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 16:02:26 +0000

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