Talk With GOD in 2014! ‘I Have Filled Him With the Spirit of - TopicsExpress


Talk With GOD in 2014! ‘I Have Filled Him With the Spirit of GOD… In All Manner of Workmanship!’ 25th Day Exodus 31:1-3, ‘1And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah: 3And I have filled him with the Spirit of GOD, in Wisdom, and in Understanding, and in Knowledge, and in all Manner of Workmanship,’ This 25th Day of January we read Exodus Chapters 29-31 in our ‘Talk With GOD in 2014’ journeying through our Bible this year. GOD continues to give Moses great detail concerning the manner the Jews will worship to include their sacrifices. In Chapter 31 the instructions turn to the manufacturing of the furniture and artifacts of the Tabernacle. To understand our Devotion today, I have included three verses to highlight the message GOD is giving Moses. In effect God is introducing Moses to a man named Bazaleel. Bazaleel is what we would call today a ‘craftsman’ who expertly works with precious metals, stones and woods, carving them with great skill and imagination into forms of art work. These verses remind me that no matter what we find to do in this life, to ‘earn our way’ as my Granny used to tell me, if we have followed GOD’s leading, it is exactly what HE intends for us. Whether you are a brick-layer or an engineer it is the precise vocation or calling GOD Personally picked for you. GOD gave Moses the leadership ability, but he would have been useless if he had tried to manufacture the furnishings for the Tabernacle. Likewise, Bazaleel would not have been able to lead the nation out of bondage. Each of should realize that when we listen to GOD, HE will lead us to that specific life HE intends for us. GOD has Plan and Purpose for each of us! Altogether we form the structure of what we call a society. When Romans 8:28 refers to, ‘…to them who are the called according to his purpose’, GOD is talking about those who have found their calling; whether it be in the Court House, the Craft House or the Church House. If we found the ‘perfect will of GOD’…Romans 12:1-2, it’s referring to us! My thoughts are… ‘We Must Follow Our Calling!’ If you are good at it, if it’s honorable, if it’s legal, if it’s moral and you believe GOD gave you the ability to do it, then follow it in your life. For 35+ years I worked in the ‘business world’ and loved it, was told I was very good at it and sought nothing else. During the early days of our lives together, Pat and I began to serve GOD with all our heart and I viewed my career and a Gift from HIM. Romans 14:18, ‘For he that in these things Serveth CHRIST is Acceptable to GOD, and approved of men.’ ‘We Must Do Our Best!’ In my career, I daily sought GOD’s Wisdom in helping me accomplish my job, to help me improve myself. Some would tell me, ‘what does GOD care!’ Well, I know HE cares about me and my family; my career provides for us, so HE cares about me doing the best job that I can possibly do. I prayed over everything that the company asked me to do. Luke 9:62, ‘And JESUS said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of GOD.’ ‘We Must Work as if We are Working For GOD!’ This principle and the previous go together! If we strive to do our best, we must work as if we are working for GOD. Ecclesiastes 9:10 tell us, ‘10Whatsoever Thy Hand Findeth To Do, Do It With Thy Might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest’.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 22:34:53 +0000

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