Talk about a rant... Im saddened when people portray themselves - TopicsExpress


Talk about a rant... Im saddened when people portray themselves as living healthy organic natural lifestyles, all the while showing their body every day getting stronger and leaner and doing so with nothing but supplements, pills and shakes.. You want to be organic, take something that comes from the ground and put it in your body, not something that came from a laboratory.. This post is mainly for fun, for me to express my feelings because I keep this inside a lot so if you all want to start a huge debate go for it, I will not respond, this is merely my opinion and I have the right to share it. And for anyone who is thinking about an argumentative comment in the back of their head, think about this for a minute... whoever created the universe, the earth and us included, was an extremely magnificent and intelligent being, so much so that not one minute particle of detail was missed in our creation. in fact. everything within the universe is sustainable within itself, along with all the lifeforms that were placed into this creation, we were not only created with everything we need to completely sustain ourselves and our planet but we were also given multiple choices on how to sustain all of these things naturally.. Humans have been on this earth for millions of years, not thousands! entire civilizations have risen and fallen throughout time, most of which were highly advanced and lived natural organic sustainable lives, only until 1hundred years ago did we develop what we consider today to be modern science and only within the last 50 years have we started to genetically modify our foods and are nutrients in order to benefit/promote our health. Keep in mind these discoveries are all financially backed by the corporations you pay your gas-electric and mortgage to, and keep in mind they are owned by the same companies that run your banks your car dealerships your medical industry and your school systems, now keep in mind those are all owned by the same people who sell you your gas and all of your pharmaceuticals, now keep in mind that those companies are owned by only .05% of the population.... Now youre going to stand there and tell me that the 0.05% actually want to develop something to HELP you?? OK.... Let alone the biggest point of all, some of you out there actually believe that a man in a laboratory with a white coat and a microscope, being funded by the 0.05%, can actually develop a supplement,pill or medication by using man-made chemicals mixed with other natural ingredients and it will ultimately benefit you better than what was ORIGINALLY & naturally put on this earth to sustain your life!? So what your taking before and after your workout is better for you then the natural vitamins and mineral that were placed on this earth by our Creator assisting your life in the first place? So that guy in the Lab knows more then our Creator about your body and what it needs to be heathy? No thanks, Ill stick with the stuff Mother Earth provides and you all can enjoy your chem ride..
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 23:31:18 +0000

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