“Talk to him, Edward,” Alexei demanded. “Make him - TopicsExpress


“Talk to him, Edward,” Alexei demanded. “Make him understand.” “Understand what?” Edward asked, incredulous, his arms open wide. “Trust me, Alexei,” Arthur said. “Those are not his intentions.” “Oh, and I suppose God told you that, did he?” Alexei responded sarcastically, taking a step towards Arthur. “As a matter of fact, he did!” Arthur took a step towards Alexei. “All right,” Edward interrupted. “Enough.” Disgusted with the behavior of his uncle and distant cousin, he released a quick breath and sat down on the settee. “You don’t know what their plan is,” Alexei challenged. “Neither do you!” Arthur shot back. Suddenly, no one said anything. Arthur and Alexei were locked in angered eye shot of each other, while Edward simply sat there, uncertain of what to say or how to react. Finally, Arthur broke the silence. “That…” he spit out the word, “…monster stands against everything God has intended for man. He will tempt man with his promises and his ideals but in the end he will bring man down to an even deeper hell. His intentions are malicious and selfish and if the Grail were to ever fall into his hands, man would be destroyed.” But I thought the Grail would only be useful in the hands of the chosen, so why should you worry about it? Alexei accused. Im not going to tell him where it is; Im not giving out any secrets...I just dont agree with ours anymore. Im sick of being stuck here. I cannot be here any more. Im not going to be your prisoner; nor will I be Gods. An even deeper silence fell over the three of them. “We cannot allow it to happen, Alexei. You cannot leave here,” Edward finally interjected, in an attempt to cut through the tension in the air, for it was thick and heavy; creating a pall of intense discomfort among the three of them. “We must follow God’s word and do as God wills us. We must fulfill our duty to God and to the Grail.” Alexei looked at Edward with contempt and disgust. As close as he was to his cousin, he ultimately felt betrayed by Edward’s honor to God and the Grail. He stood up. “I cannot follow you,” he muttered. “If you turn from us,” Arthur warned, “you are turning from God. You will become an enemy of God and the Grail and all it stands for. The consequences…” “Do not threaten me with your consequences, Arthur.” “It is not I who threatens you. I am not the one dealing out the consequences, it is God. I needn’t do a thing. You know as well as the rest of us: the Grail stands to take back everything with which it gave you. You will not survive outside these boundaries. You will become the enemy.” “How do I know that we are not the enemy?” Arthur gasped in horror. “What did you say?” “Please Alexei,” Edward begged. “It is not too late! You can reconsider, and God will forgive you. Please, don’t do this!” “I will do what I must,” Alexei said. “I’m sorry, cousin.” He started away. “Alexei,” Edward pleaded. Alexei did not respond. He turned towards the library door and left. He did not look back, nor did he make any attempt to collect the pile of books acquired outside the fortress in secret, written in German, and shouting another version of mans truth from the mouth of a great Aryan.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 04:22:51 +0000

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