Talking about U.S.A but entirely relevant to the UK Before the - TopicsExpress


Talking about U.S.A but entirely relevant to the UK Before the American colonies would warm to revolution, a German born son was disciplined in matters of trade and money that he could become a Rabbi. It was no anomaly that this peculiar tradition would produce such an infamous, voracious and destructive embezzler that he quickly rose from a slum to acquire incredible wealth, without producing to mankind any commensurable benefit whatever. Rather than virtue, an exceeding appetite for unjust gain would distinguish his oppression. Whatever would be claimed he accomplished, his work was only to further a heinous conspiracy forbidden since ancient times and needing even to exist by falsified credentials of useful, legitimate business. In fact he produced nothing, and his ostensible business was nothing less than the wickedness to stoop far lower than virtue ever could. The ancient crime to which he would give further audacity is a wholly parasitic, coercive system of stealing. Its perpetration requires an unwitting public; and its many related crimes must be veiled by purposely nondescriptive terms such as world, or central, or international banking. The embezzler would change his name from Bauer to Rothschild. Mayer Amschel Rothschild too would train his sons in the peculiar art of unearned taking, including of course its equivalent honings of subversion and deceit. The House of Rothschild would spawn an age of corrupt, manipulated money, usurpation, war, and dispossession such as the world had never before known. The undue flow of wealth, power and war would ebb about artificial, wholly foreign, engineered opportunities for unearned taking. Whole purported economies would perpetually spiral unnaturally, doomed even to inevitable collapse under artificial conditions exalted by the takers for the sake of taking. From roots steeped in ferocious concepts of usury, and by alliances which would peddle mercenary armies to the subversive cause of plutocracy, untold blood would be spilled, untold potential prosperity would be denied, untold injustice would be imposed, untold truth would be covered, and by perpetual deception, usury would succeed in perpetual contradictions, authored by a seeming untouchable, inexhaustible evil force. Institutions would be founded, subverted, or purchased without potent competition. These would conspire, disinform, and proliferate a network of usury inconceivable to normal producers of real commerce, for usury is the antithesis of just reward, fair trade, and free enterprise. Born of embezzlement, having no conscionable bounds, desiring only to steal at the greatest scale possible, abetted by illimitable funding from inconceivably aggressive, unjust dispossession, and wholly dedicated to denying true representation to every subject people, the House of Rothschild would be the modern temple of money changers, achieving its veiled, omnipotent world power in little time. Because it is unable to tolerate truly free enterprise, usury is compelled to pervade the world; and the essential foothold is unwitting toleration of interest. For the redundant costs of usury, we receive nothing; we are dispossessed of our production; and we are even denied the natural opportunity to produce. Usury can only succeed therefore by depriving us of just currency; and so formal consolidation and integration of usury with government eventually becomes vital to usury, because it seals both competing usurers and a sustainable currency from contention. The incongruous marriage of purported representative government and usury exists merely to appeal to apathy. Yet the ostensible retention of representative processes is dangerous to usury; and so for this to work, apathy and ignorance must be so great that the ostensible integrity of government is taken to legitimize the usurious currency, even as all evidence testifies that interest dispossesses the people by perpetual multiplication of debt. Elsewhere, if armies can be so coerced, usury is imposed by any possible avenue of corruption, or by force. In any case, usury permits no alternative to exist, even if it is imposed by the few upon the many — and the former such few have by far the most to fear from the truth. The underlying lie is that private money is at risk; and that despite its inevitable multiplication of debt to insoluble debt, interest is the inevitable cost of the purported risk. But tell us where is the central bank which was ever dispossessed of anything, even if without producing anything, the central banks of the world have made themselves the real owners of all property? In fact there is no risk at all, because the entire circulation is merely manufactured with no more risk than its publication costs; and the only real creditors are those who must accept it for their production. Lacking true representatives to establish a rectified currency, the populace is left to the consequences of inherent, irreversible, artificial multiplication of debt. Under usury therefore, governments must become the necessary obstruction to true free enterprise. Even without assent, the unwitting are thus made the instruments and objects of a predominate, enmical power, acting wholly against them; and so whoever advocates this incongruous marriage of pretended representative government and currency subject to interest complies with Rothschilds prescription for usurped power, confiscation of wealth, and the neutralization of critical thinking, freedom, and justice which are necessary to the graft. The transparent intent of central banking is to perpetuate and maximize usury, or purportedly representative governments would respond with vital and veritable monetary reform. It is instead because representation has been usurped that usury can readily corrupt every process, however otherwise ostensibly representative. It dictates the future by what it conceives it can own or dispossess. Its very purpose is maldistribution of wealth; and as surely as it can only achieve this by vast corruption, you will have nothing but maldistribution of wealth and vast corruption so long as you keep it. Usury therefore persists not for its falsely claimed benefits, or even for its false purported genius, but for the audacity of perpetrators whose quest for undeserved wealth will settle for such dishonor. No society prospers by promoting mediocrity or the obstruction of excellence. Merit is a prevailing inertia because it is the predominant benchmark of humanity. The original American ideal was an undaunted quest for excellence, abetted by freedom, representation, and a principle of prospering according to the fruit of our doings. True free enterprise was once a hallmark of America because it was proven indispensable to the outstanding success of the American experiment. That experiment has drifted only because the right to prosper according to the fruit of our doings has been abandoned. As inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt pushes us across the brink of insoluble debt, futile, contradictory, emergency measures can only artificially further usury for the ostensible benefit of further usury. Ambitious refinancing of debt at reduced interest signals the emergent terminal state, and fingers interest as its cause. Americans have been betrayed by both major political parties in fact for the purposes of mathematically impossible debt. America drowns in a small, shallow pool, only needing to plant its feet once again to breath the full life of its vanished industriousness. America, with the world following close behind, drowns in an artificial circumstance which is wholly incongruous to what is even possible in natural, just economy. Usury has usurped representation — dividing our country and the world, counting on its retention at our imminent, closing peril, and distinguishing our time by whether we cast our lot with solution. - Mike Montagne If you like what you read Join Bring Back The GREENBACK Party so we can bring down the banks together https://facebook/groups/1531359567098085/ ______________________________________________________ Some links: World Mandate - Constitutional Amendment for Mathematically Perfected Economy and Absolute Consensual Representation:
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 19:51:39 +0000

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