Tamara Gray "O Lord of the Syrian people, they plead with you, and - TopicsExpress


Tamara Gray "O Lord of the Syrian people, they plead with you, and stand before you, broken, at your threshold, humbled before Your presence. O God, O God, O God, O Most Gentle (Ya Latif) of all eternity - Gently deal with your servants in what has befallen them, by the worthiness of the Glorious Quran, and of whom it was revealed upon, O One (Ya Wahid), O Oneness (Ya Ahad), O Single One (Ya Fard), O Self Sufficient (Ya Samad), We beseech you by the light of Your countenance and the extent of Your mercy, and by the magnitude of Your essence, to lift the calamity from the Muslims. O Lord of the people of Sham, they cry out! They plead for help! Be their relief, support, victor, protector, shield, and security. We ask you O God, O God, by the tears of the grieving, and the tears of the orphans, and the tears of the afflicted, and the tears of the uprooted, and the cries of the oppressed, that You grant us release from suffering and a way out. You have power over all things and You are quick to respond O our Rescuer, O our Rescuer O Deliverer - deliver us O Deliverer, deliver us O Deliverer.. and may peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. يا رب اهل الشام يتوسلون اليك و قد وقفوا بين يديك منكسرين على اعتابك متذللين لجنابك يا الله يا الله يا الله يا لطيفا من الازل الطف بعبادك فيما نزل بحق القران العظيم و من عليه نزل يا واحد يا احد يا فرد يا صمد نسألك بنور وجهك و بمنتهى رحمتك و بعظمة ذاتك ان ترفع البلاء عن المسلمين يا رب اهل الشام يستصرخون و يستغيثون فكن لهم عونا ومعينا و ناصرا و حافظا و ساترا و امينا نسألك يا الله يا الله بدموع الثكالى بدموع اﻻيتام بدموع المنكوبين بدموع المهجرين بصيحات المظلومين ان تجعل لنا من امرنا فرجا و مخرجا انك على كل شي قدير و باﻻجابة جدير يا غياثنا يا غياثنا يا غياثنا يا مغيث اغثنا يا مغيث اغثنا يا مغيث اغثنا و صلي اللهم على سيدنا محمد و على اله و صحبه وسلم"
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 02:11:42 +0000

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