Tambet Väli Just nüüd · Barcelona, Spain · . Yet Another - TopicsExpress


Tambet Väli Just nüüd · Barcelona, Spain · . Yet Another Model of Gravity (could be YAMoG) Two things have all my life, as long as I know about them, searched for their true meaning and interpretation in my mind - fractalness and holographicness parameters of the Universe. As a sensitive, my senses are quite readily connected with these properties. My friend, Augusto, pointed out the holographic nature of the Universe, in a way, which led me to conclusion - theories about telepathy, soul families etc., Jungian view of nonlocality of the soul, have a lot to do with this view. In a holographic Universe, point can interact with itself - a particle, like electron, can have real physical interaction with itself as another electron. This comes from the real physical space being holographic. By our two eyes and a little logic, we can see that the space has some properties of a real hologram; and then we can study the holographic projection carefully with our senses. As there is a tree close to us, we can make sure that the *information about tree* is there in any point near the range of visibility of the tree. As we know that there are also many lower radiations, which come through the objects, we can extend this view to thinking, where everything is transparent to a certain degree, especially for the lower wavelength of light. If we conclude that every particle is connected to mirrors of itself, and the physical properties of 3D vision, which comes together to a point, gradually change from point to point, we can see what the word hologram really means. We can see, by which rules the content of space particles gradually changes from one (view of the tree) into another. Every point where our eyes are located, could contain, without our eyes, yet another panoramic image of surroundings; and this image would be charged of energy. This image is energy, as they are used to say about matter So its basically matter. If we imagine, that matter follows the same properties of hologram as the other light (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_wave), then we would imagine some view of space, where its also gradually changing in a similar way. I dont go deeper with this - I cannot imagine it, and thus I cannot write math about it. But I can imagine it aspect-by-aspect, theoretically very complicated aspect. The other side, there is a fractal. Its also quite obvious - smaller and bigger waves exhibit the same properties, and for example small and big magnet interact as if the were of the same kind. Thus, all the particles would be the same hologram - the Universe in all of us, including spiders and stones -, but *from different angle in some-dimensional space*. These angles would be 3D angles - we cannot use *rotation operation* in 3D space to go from any state to any state of a space-point. What is gravitation, then? Its the space-point dividing into two, in some angle of these, and the two leaving each others. They must stay connected, as they are having almost the same angle, but with distance (of another dimensionality, physical space) some interactions between them become weaker; yet they still are the same point. But when object at the distance is the same with object of you, and light somewhat maps the space-lines between, then it must be that an object or particle leaving one body will *fall back, but from different angle*. So as we leave further from the object, the other dimension gets curved into another dimension more than we are used. Naturally, my reality does not depend so much on what you will do - because as time is going, we always drift and rotate in another dimensions, and the me you see today might be slightly another aspect of me, than the me you saw yesterday; and the third person you saw yesterday, might see another me today, as the me you see ..so we can drift into different universes, and simply not notice the difference. Theory of relativity with its 4D space hints towards such kind of thinking. So it might be important what we talk about today - because tomorrow we might be at different Universes, and the nature of shift is the one we are used to. But still these energies attract and with our friends, we might shift together, as love is always attracting the right aspects. The line between physical and spiritual blurs, and the gravity of love remains - to come together with our soul family, the compatible and co-reacting aspects of us. In the grid, some kind of symmetry, some facets are definitely more important and more covering; as well then a Galaxy would be born as a boy in another life, if it wills. And a Galaxy is many facets, and a lots of energy. Or it might even be born in this life. How the aspects, facets, fundamentally differ - is a question. I think that soul families have kind of hierarchy - some souls have the power of light over big, big families of souls, and its kind of the soul family as a whole born into a few persons, and into one person. But then there might be different facets, which are equal in this kind of sense, but they are different aspects of the group soul - or different aspects of the Universe. Here, we also see, how the Universe could be reflection of us; and kind of just another facet. My soul can be born as my cell, when Im alive? So when we throw a big object from Earth to Mars, it would fly into the sky, having some X dimensional angle - when it falls back, it would see another facet of Earth, which is actually Mars. But when its a higher-dimensional spirit in this body, maybe it can control its dimensionality, turn to positions others avoid or fear, maybe with a reason, or what their bodies physically avoid, and then it could find a way from Earth to Mars through these properties, or also walk from north pole to south pole. Its cool that our souls, and any point of the space in us, would contain all the information in the Universe; still only the light of Love can make it visible. einstein.stanford.edu/content/relativity/q411.html I mean - in a holographic fractal, some aspect is clearly that falling to another object is kind of falling back, but from different angle. Its a question, which are those solid forces, which keep us from moving - maybe we cannot survive even an inch to some x direction, or maybe we are living on the pellicle of something, like some objects stay on top of the water. And all our devices and technology has the same property - its stuck into 3 dimensions. Still, my telepathy shows clearly, that some souls are interacting as a group soul, and some souls have the power to behave as big groups of other souls, in some aspect. I think this is fundamental. The strength of a gravity is probably, how many objects are falling to the same or similar angle - as stronger is the union of some bodies, as more points are falling back to the same area. If gravity particles would be up to infinitely small, there would be infinite number of gravity particles in my body, and then they would be falling to infinitely many directions, angles of the prime object. These directions would be important aspect of the point they are in. This would explain the probability of all kinds of patterns appearing - and if the whole is cognitively active, then all the meaningfulness of the elements of this pattern. The whole matter in space somewhat *interacts* with your intelligence - and if you have good intentions, the patterns of those intentions would fall everywhere like a rain, in a gravity of love. Every point is eating karma, and the material interaction happens between the smallest and the largest - but we can see that the more dense, more connected body has stronger gravity when related to the rest. Every point, which eats this karma, will process it - and as better its intention, as more mass it considers and as more good-intentional (thus potentially empowering) mass it takes into account, in Love, as more strongly the processing would go. As more stronger the processing, as more it can generate its lucid dream instead of being stuck in the other-peoples-solutions, other-particles-solutions. This is how we generate our power - we purify our intentions, and make them like a-deal-you-cant-say-no-to, to all other particles and bodies in interaction. Then, learning the nature of the Nature, the nature of matter, we can find the kinds of interaction, which happen even magically to the nature. Buddhists say that reaching to this kind of conscious state where we can manage this kind of good intentions in every situation, can take billions of lifetimes ..teachers in sync with us can give us or our cells, some aspect, millions of lifetimes worth of experience - this is pure energy, pure synergy, empowering energy. Our good intention becomes more and more global, more and more Cosmic, until we maintain a big and flexible dream for the Whole, and this dream is synchronized with Many. As it fits the self-dream of the Whole, or inspires it, it becomes a true magic in every moment, even if hidden. Then prayers start to last, the effects become sustainable. Every particle, or higher-level particle in the hierarchy of fractal, is a little light of consciousness, and its experience is forever - eternal. And deep in the Whole is the vision of it as a Whole, in a Wholly good dream for all of it - as we wish to our body and soul, which are all but aspects. But what we deeply desire, in the language of matter? How our world would explode, when the particles get enlightened? Matter wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia All matter can exhibit wave-like behaviour. For example a beam of electrons can be diffracted just like a beam of light or a water wave. Matter waves are a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics,...
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 00:00:36 +0000

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