Tami Campbell looking great!! Tummy is shrinking! Get started - TopicsExpress


Tami Campbell looking great!! Tummy is shrinking! Get started today! You will love it!! SkinnyBodyPlan I am Tami. When I first heard about Skinny Fiber, I watched and read the success stories. I researched and kept watching for 3 months before I had the Ah Ha moment and decided This is time to make a change! Do something for me! And get healthier from the inside out! If I lost some inches or weight, that was the secondary bonus for my decision. I was watching a program and a doctor was discussing how you are at much greater risk of heart disease if the measurement of your waist was more than half your height. I measured right away, and my chin must have hit the floor when I held that tape measure against my height. I looked up and down thinking something must be wrong. This can’t be! I am 43 and I want to be around to watch my kids grow up!! I have 5 children and with having the last 3 within 3 years I was seriously out of shape. And no energy to even think about excerising. I have been taking Skinny Fiber for about 4 months. Here is my progress so far. I lost 10 lbs in my first 2 ½ weeks. To date I am not so sure because I weighed at the Doctors. I don’t have a scale. My guess is about 15 lbs so far. And a total of 9 inches gone. Now mind you, I must say that I know my progress would be faster if I stopped drinking the soda, made sure I was eating enough calories each day, and taking the full recommended dose each and every day. I always take 2 caps each day minimum, with at least 32 ounces of water ( 2 water bottles) and often more than that! I love water, always have, but now I even crave it more. I noticed changes the very first night after I started Skinny Fiber. I slept ALL night!! And continue to do so. Previously I had been waking every night with aching bones in my feet. I would toss and turn for hours leaving me drained and tired in the morning. Now I sleep great and have so much more energy! I no longer suffer with acid reflux or IBS. My clothes are fitting looser. I am always pulling up my pants. Lol And the allergy pill that I usually take about once a week – I find I need it less – maybe once every 2 – 3 weeks. I have not made any conscious choice or effort to change my eating. But I do not crave stuff like chips or other processed junk foods. I don’t even enjoy a glass of o.j. or apple juice in the mornings like before. It seems too sweet, and just not satisfying… I want water instead. I eat whatever I want, but I eat less because I really do feel fuller! All these non-scale victories for me make it all worth while!! I plan to work on my eating better – to get enough calories and make sure I don’t skip meals, and take my full dose everyday. I want to see some more results by summer! I love feeling fantastic like this, and this is why I love Skinny Fiber!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 02:15:37 +0000

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