Tamil is one of the recognised official language of India, - TopicsExpress


Tamil is one of the recognised official language of India, according to the Constitution of India! Im surprised staffs of the Indian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur dont know this! I guess, these staffs of the Indian High Commission in KL need a tuition on the legal status of the Tamil language! Just read a news about a staff of the Indian High Commission in KL, who refused to accept an official letter of Tamilnadu Govt official, because it is written in Tamil; she arrogantly threw the documents on the table and spoke in very harsh way, according to the news! Maybe these staffs may think, theyre in Delhi; sadly (for them) they are not! 90% of Indians in this country are Tamils and any attempt to undermine our language will be not taken lightly! They can keep their Hindi supremacy nonsense, back in Delhi, not in Malaysia, where number of Tamil speaking population is 10 times more than those who speak Hindi! They cant get away after insulting our language, just like that! Indian High Commission in Malaysia should apologise to the Malaysian Tamils, for the stupidity of their staff and advise all their staffs, not to undermine our language for any reason! Just remind them, this is not Delhi; but Malaysia! PS : I will write to Indian High Commissioner in Malaysia, His Excellency Mr. Thirumurthy, stating my dissatisfaction over this incident, in my personal capacity! Anyone, who think that, our mother tongue, Tamil language shouldnt be insulted by anyone at anytime, can do so too!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 16:25:46 +0000

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