Tanker loading up for Minnehaha Fire, Courtesy of Sierra Front - TopicsExpress


Tanker loading up for Minnehaha Fire, Courtesy of Sierra Front Wildfire Cooperators. They are a very worthy follow for up-to-the minute updates and credible information. Here is their latest report: Fire Update: July 5, 2014 FIRE NAME: MINNEHAHA LOCATION: Minnehaha Canyon, about 5 miles north of Holbrook Jct. (Hwy395/208 in Douglas County, NV. START DATE: July 5, 2014 at 6:00 a.m. CURRENT SIZE: 85-100 acres FUEL TYPE: Grass JURISDICTION: Unified Command between East Fork Fire Department and BLM ASSISTING AGENCIES: USFS and Nevada Division of Forestry PUBLIC SAFETY: No structures are threatened CONTAINMENT: Not known at this time RESOURCES ASSIGNED: Air Tankers: 2 Helicopters: 4 Water Tenders: 4 Hand Crews: 4 Engines:12 Command Staff: 9 Total Personnel: 100 Remarks: The predominant weather factor for today is extremely hot temperatures in the fire area (90s pushing 100 degrees, low relative humidities in the single digits, even at the higher elevations, and extremely dry fuels. Winds are predicted to be light today about 15 mph. However the fire area itself is capable of generating gusty and erratic winds of speeds greater than the predicted winds. Firefighters are actively engaged in initial attack, anchoring and flanking the fire. Additional fire suppression resources have been ordered for this fire. Fire is 50% active and very dry light, flashy fuels with a moderate rate of spread. Burning in steep rocky terrainon about 26-40% slopes on the ridgetop.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:41:11 +0000

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