Tasha here! Well, what an exciting day l have had today. There l - TopicsExpress


Tasha here! Well, what an exciting day l have had today. There l was, sitting on a comfy sofa in a house in Guildford, when this lady came into the room and came and sat by me and gave me a likkle stroke. l quite liked it and wagged my tail hard. She had a cup of coffee and talked to the other lady who has been looking after me since l had the operations to take away all but two of my toofypegs and to stop me having to have any more puppies. l had a snuggle and then she put a thing called a harness on me and there was a long black thing that dragged on the floor. This new lady then went through a door to something called a toilet and l ran after her and stayed with her. l think l already liked her :-) l said thank you to the lady and my new mummy picked me up and carried me out to a thing called a car. She said l was VERY heavy (cheeky moo. l am only 12kg!...well OK l suppose l am a bit cuddly) She put me in a cage in the back and l didnt like it all. We went a little way and she stopped and let me sit on the front seat on a big duvet so l could see out of the window. l was strapped in with the seat belt so l couldnt climb on her lap. We had a long ride and l held her hand and put my head on her arm so she wouldnt go off and leave me. When we stopped at my new house, she went and left me but l didnt cry, just sat and watched where she went. She went in through the front and came out of the back gate...very confusing to a little dog. l then had the long black thing attached to my harness and she put me on the ground and l trotted along with her and there were three other dogs in the garden!! l was so excited as two of them looked like me! The other one was a Border Terrorist apparently. We all said hello and l had a loooooooong wee, then we went indoors and l met four things called C.A.T.s who all came to say hello. l liked them! We had our tea and Jess the Terrorist let me go in her bed and joined me there. Melody Moonshine did naughty things to me and was told she mustnt do it as l am her new sister. Mostyn is a real gent and showed me round the garden and told me he would take me out to see it properly in the morning when it is light. l am very tired now so l am going to join the others and have a snoozzzzzzzzzz. (pictures when l wake up)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:51:39 +0000

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