Tashas Astro Planner for January 2015 The theme for January is - TopicsExpress


Tashas Astro Planner for January 2015 The theme for January is to slow down, think before acting, and take time to be thorough in all that we do. A chief feature this month is Mercury turning retrograde turn on the 21st. What this means is that all things RE will be featured for success during the following three weeks until it turns direct on February 11th. This includes reviewing, returning, revising, restoring, repairing, and so on. Try not to make purchases of any new equipment you do not really need. However, please note that from the standpoint of Earth, Mercury will be seemingly slowing down during the preceding weeks, so we can expect delays in all things Mercury-- especially communication and transportation, until the actual date of turning. The Full Moon in Cancer falls on the 4th, shining its light on matters concerning mothering, hospitality, and nurturance. This is a good time to reflect on these issues in our own lives and see how we have evolved with them over the past twelve months. The New Moon in Aquarius on the 20th falls very close to the Suns entry into Aquarius making it an extra powerful New Moon. This is an excellent time to look into and at our group memberships and in general, our friendships. Now is the time also to make a list for a new round of what we may wish for over the next twelve months, both in those areas and generally. Venus spends most of the month in Aquarius, bringing a sense of altruism to our choices. We may be more likely to choose what is unusual or unique, or to be drawn to what is innovative and or unusual. Mars enters Pisces mid month emphasizing the importance of taking action on behalf of those often unable to act for themselves as a result of limitations or afflictions. Saturn newly in Sagittarius may put restrictions, on generosity in general, at the same time helping us to focus more directly on what may be our real obligations toward the needy. Religious responsibilities may come up for review as well, or be featured. Days to be mindful include the 2nd, the 3rd, the 14th and 15th, the 19th, the 21st and the 29th. Pay more attention to your actions and to your decision making process during these days. Be aware of your responsibilities. Days of opportunity include the 1st, the 4th, the 13th and 14th, the 23rd the 28th and the 30th. Look into offers and suggestions that may improve situations or help to resolve things in a more amenable way. Many of these days represent potentials and possibilities rather than gifts per se. For example, perhaps an existing situation can be made to work differently for you, or you might discover a new or innovative solution to a problem with which you have been wrestling. Tashas Day by Day Planner for January 2015 Thu. 1/1 Peripatetic Gemini Moon brings a bouncy beginning to the New Year. Mars opposing Jupiter holds a potential for activity galore. Fri. 1/2 Fickle Gemini Moon has us in a tizzy, not knowing what to choose or how to proceed. Tomorrows Sun Square Uranus indicates unexpected actions. Sat. 1/3 Warm Cancer Moon brings hugs all around. Venus into cool Aquarius plus the earlier square could indicate quirky choices. Later Sun conjunct Pluto may make for intensity. Sun. 1/4 Full Moon in Cancer opens arms to caring. Venus and Saturn provide an opportunity to choose wisely. Mercury into Aquarius brings original thought. Mon. 1/5 Nurturing Cancer Moon embraces. Mercury and Saturn provide an opportunity for serious conversation.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:38:02 +0000

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