Tatekulu Phil yaNangoloh above! Yes, you are right. The couple - TopicsExpress


Tatekulu Phil yaNangoloh above! Yes, you are right. The couple must introduce each other to both sides/to the two families before they get marriage. They must be assisted for final approval or disapproval. Otherwise they will get married and end up braking in the street. In courtship I fear two things - a danger and a damage. I fear the danger of promoting ethnocentrism, racism, and tribalism which had been dominating African continent on the one hand. While on the other hand, I fear that damage may be done to the good image of one, or of both parts, to the long preserved surname, the authentic identity, the family values etc. Let me explain. First, when you find a fiancee or fiancée, aware of it or not, you are bringing that person into an existing family. He/she will carry/make use of that preserved surname, that authentic identity and long developed family values. He/she will be that familys in law. Now, the question is, will he/she maintain that good image, that long preserved surname in the case of female, will he/she promote at all cost that identity and that family values? In genuine Christian circle - unlike in the nominal Christian circles, when you become a Christian, you are first discipled, then baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and finally taught to observe all that Jesus have commanded (Matthews 28:18-20) before you devote yourself to the apostles doctrine and their fellowship, to their breaking of bread and prayers (Acts 2:42). Remember Tatekulu yaNangoloh, marriage is a gift from God, given to man (male and female). In marriage female is given to the oversight of the male (1 Corinthians 7:1-5) just as our bodies have been given to the oversight of our heads, and the Church has been given to the oversight of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-33). This mystery is profound, for in it we lean that God the Father is the head of Christ (God/Man), Christ is the head of man (male/man) and man is the head of his wife (1 Corinthians 11:3). Human marriage covenant between a husband and a wife is a shadow of divine marriage covenant between Christ and the Church. (For more information about biblical worldview, please visit my Marriage Heritage page on the Facebook search engine, I am about to post new interesting article this coming Monday afternoon). Second, when courtship/negotiation is taking place, can they do it on non racial, non tribal and non ethnocentric ground? Can the couple use moral or ethical grounds rather than using self-centred and self-enthroning measurement? In Namibia, in most cases, the problem is the majority who do not want to share the table with the minority without some words thrown to them. And you Tatekuku yaNagoloh know who are the majority and who are the minority in this country -the majority are the Ovawambo who love to name others people names, while the minority are San people, Ovazemba, Ovahimba, Coloureds, Whites people, poor foreigners -as we have been calling them etc. In the case of divine marriage/covenant relationship which I have mentioned in the third paragraph; when God accepts us, He does not look at our tribes, colors or genders. In Galatians 3:26-28 we are told: For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christs, then you are Abrahams offspring, heirs according to promise. The problem is man in general worlwide. We want reconciliation on the one hands, while on the other hand, we forgive but not forget. We do not know how to investigate our hearts, heads, and hands to see if we are clean enough before we investigate other people. In Britain they have a program on BBC, Focus on Africa. Corrupt people and all kinds of sinners love to focus on others. It is a matter of time, Africans will make a program soon on our One Africa to Focus on Europe and America. So you have rightly got my point Tatekulu yaNangoloh, women are as abusive as men, blacks are as abusive as whites, Israel is as abusive as Hamas. God is good than all of us. Let us go and surrender to Him, to listen to His words, perceive His works and submit to His will while we are in this world. With you permission, as I said, I post this article on the open page of my Facebook cover with a purpose to open a door to assist each other, to build each other and sharpen each other in love. Having in mind what John Stott had said: Love without truth is hypocrisy, while Truth without love is brutal killing.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 20:52:51 +0000

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