Tatums Tale- written by Patrick Hubbard Long ago and far away - TopicsExpress


Tatums Tale- written by Patrick Hubbard Long ago and far away when evil seemed to hold sway over good there lived a young prince. The prince lived an unremarkable life, in the unremarkable village of Columbus Bus, doing mostly unremarkable things. But remarkable things can happen to unremarkable people in the worst of times. Our unremarkable prince happened upon an unremarkable princess and the two unremarkable people became one remarkable couple. Their bond was undeniable. Their connection was obvious. As a single light will envelope an entire room, their love shone brightly to all they encountered. Their love was true. In spite of the evil about them, they set out to live a life of happiness. Plans were made. Goals were set. Hopes were cast and dreams were woven. Life was good. As a matter of fact, life was so good that another life was conceived. A child to share in their love. A child to teach all the wonders of the world. The prophets told that they would give birth to a girl. A daughter to teach the joys of life. A daughter to love and carry on the tradition of shining in a dark world. Her name would be Tatum, which means cheerful and full of spirit. Her name would not disappoint. Tatum was not to be held back. The spirit that was within her would not be tamed. Tatum reached out for the world even before leaving her mothers womb. She had too much to do to wait for the normal process of birth. It seemed as though evil had won out. She did not cry at birth. Something was different. Something was wrong. Evil gloated but Tatum would not be dissuaded. She went right on doing what Tatum needed to do. As she struggled to open even one eye, the life that shown forth in her eyes hinted at wisdom and love beyond care. All who came to see her could not help but to love and feel loved. It seemed as though evil triumphed. Tatum was moved to be near the sages who all came to see her. They looked at what was broken and could not understand the puzzle. But the prince and the princess held Tatum and looked into her eyes and knew that Tatum was perfect. The sages tried one test and another. At times they explained some things but most of the time they were baffled. The prince and princess held on .....hoped, prayed, and loved the gift they were given. The numbers grew of those that loved Tatum. Uncles who had yet to hold her could not help to pray for Tatum every night and hope for the day to hold precious Tatum. The prince and princess longed for the day when they could take Tatum home to Colum Bus. Weeks passed into months. Evil grew more confident. The list of the problems grew. The answers did not. Hope flickered but the prince and princess persisted. They battled distance but persisted. They battled the sages conflicting advice but persisted. They battled their own fears but persisted. The time spent with Tatum rejuvenated their hopes, stoked their resolve, fanned their love. The numbers of those that loved Tatum continued to grow and the love that Tatum shared continued as well. It was as if the more Tatum was loved, the more she loved. The cup was bottomless. The sages gave up. They could not fix Tatum. Evil cheered. Those that loved Tatum drew together as never before. They prayed together. They cried together. They worked together as never before. The prince and princess planned to take Tatum to Colum Bus to enjoy what time Tatum had left. Even though Tatums body was failing, her eyes continued to hint of an ancient wisdom, of a truth long ago lost. The final battle between body and spirit occurred before Tatum could be taken home. The battle was short. The body was too battered and too broken to fight any longer. Her last breath was drawn while on the lap of the prince and the princess was stroking her head. Loved ones surrounded Tatum and many more were there in spirit. Precious Tatum was going home. The spirit slowly faded from dearest Tatums eyes but not before the truth was revealed. Evil was silenced. Love conquered evil that day. Tatum went home. To her eternal home. She went to live happily ever after in a place where evil cannot tread. She received a perfect body and she never cried and she never shed a tear. She waits for her father and her mother and all her loved ones to join her one day to spend the rest of eternity together. The End
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 23:19:33 +0000

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