Taurus Forecast July 2013 It’s a lovely month for social - TopicsExpress


Taurus Forecast July 2013 It’s a lovely month for social engagements and spending time with your extended family, siblings and neighbors. Singles will be happy to know that the end of the month ushers in a happy time for romance. From the 1st to the 5th is a great time to plan a catch up, bbq, family reunion ect with neighbors/siblings/extended family, however if this is not possible, don’t worry as you will have plenty of good days later in the month to arrange something. This is also a nice time to do something special with your partner. This may be joining a sporting team together, getting involved in your community or heading to a party or social event for “date “night. The 8th is the best time to make a fresh start with your siblings or to bury the hatchet with a neighbor. While the 10th suggests you will get good news from a sibling or neighbor that sends positive vibes your way. Your relationships with others including partners look harmonious this week although you may feel some tension starting to brew surrounding either your education or travel plans. Your focus may be on your house for a few days, although this is a mild influence only and could be as simple as redecorating your bedroom or buying some new furniture. By the 15th the tension brewing concerning either education or travel will be at an all-time high, and is going to stick around for the rest of the month. Avoid travel at this time if possible to avoid delays, lost baggage or breakdowns. Exams will be harder than expected, you may want to change majors but your parents disagree, you may want to drop out of school all together – either way major changes are on the way so expect to find yourself at the crossroads and in direct opposition to others. It’s not all gloom and doom however as your social life and romance for the month will also peak this week. A party at your residence will go well and couples will be able to enjoy a pleasant evening free from tension. As usual, siblings and neighbors have an important role to play. Some of you may also start to think about buying a new car or method of transport this week. My advice would be to look but not touch until a later date. The 20th is the best day this month to make any changes to your appearance, get a haircut ect. Singles may find a new neighbour or family friend spells romance. Your social life still looks fantastic this week, but the lingering tension over travel or education plans may cause issues. The 25th may be a tough day if you are involved in work or projects behind the scenes. It’s also not the best day to keep secrets or tell white lies as you will probably be found out. The sun will be focusing on your place of residence now so expect a bit of activity in this area. You may start thinking about a new housemate or relocation but this won’t start to really crank off until next month. Venus moving into your house of early romance is awesome news for those of you who are single. Expect the next month to be very busy when it comes to dating and many of you will meet your next big love during this cycle. The 30th also looks positive, especially for singles. In fact it will be your best date this month for romance. Thank you for being a part of Astrology With Nic. We hope your enjoyed your Taurus forecast for July and come back to visit us next month. In the meantime subscribe to have your horoscope delivered direct to your inbox every month or like us on facebook or twitter to keep up to date with all our astrology news.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 06:15:08 +0000

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