Taurus, will face the reality and telling the truth. And often - TopicsExpress


Taurus, will face the reality and telling the truth. And often said that truth is the most hurtful but they also know Taurus said its not a fake. They asked Taurus love them, Taurus will answer there is love! Then why is there no love? Do you really want to hear? ”…… Taurus attitude will let each other know very clearly continue to ask so just plug the knife toward himself. Please cherish the Taurus to your well, whens good for you is far better when not late But if you dont know how to hurt again and again the Taurus Someday you will no longer be so important at that time in his heart even if you restore it without using Theres always something to be changed every time you say, what do you thing? Please think about it Otherwise next time youre looking for when he got the reply might be why should I? ” Moo, no matter how sad, sad, hed be laughing, and no one can tell is true or false, only you can know! Beef can comfort others, protecting others, but not to himself, stubborn hurt yourself, Vent beef are on their own, hes not venting to others. His contradictions, his stubborn, hes kind, in fact, are their own! 1 Taurus is not perfect, but tends to be more and more perfect constellation 2 Taurus stubbornly hard to overcome, but does not mean that you have to change anything, but to do these things before and well just do what consequences did after 3 Taurus, you need to learn how to protect themselves, and Taurus is very stupid indeed, especially in the love inside, so you have to take to protect yourself. Taurus is a mystery to ponder, to put it bluntly, but very simple constellations. They do have a spiritual side. Their heart was closer to the God, but in this world, without this world, So you must have to wear a mask, to live in this world. Taurus likes to say something vague and people, But a few objects were embarrassed to tell the truth, Fear the export moment everything disappeared! Taurus love is giving this life if you ever with 12 constellations fall in love. But I bet most you cant forget is the Taurus. Because only they love, not speculation, is not under the Moon and flowers, But lasting, Warm. Is like a spring breeze gently blew into your heart, you will never be forgotten The characteristics of various types of blood: Type a (excessive caution will result in failure, a bit insensitive, with everyone having a conversation); Type b (optimistic and cheerful, but as long as there not cheerful, stubborn temperament, absolutely refuses to apologize first bowed himself); O type (active and full of light, was sent with a lot of hope, patience strong, mild); AB-(no follow through will withdraw pushy Guan) Taurus secretly always capricious and a little childish, stubborn, even if it is wrong, another stubborn; Taurus decided to do something, it will stick whenever you want to do will do it best; Taurus is very cheerful, not happy will hide themselves, just trying to make themselves more independent strong; They do not express their feelings so often replace the expression with silence; If you are Taurus, remember: be happy Taurus is a nostalgia for people, such as a favorite song can be repeated for several years. Taurus usually grinning seemingly carefree, when the Ta a person when alone, but is very easy to do with sentimentality. Taurus is afraid to be alone afraid of being alone, lacrimal gland developed can secretly late at night time on the corner of tears, Dry your eyes and a smiley face hee hee. Taurus is kind and does not hate children of the past. 1, the Taurus will get rich, this is inevitable, because Taurus is smart, they know what their supposed to get them, how to fulfill dreams 2, Taurus likes luxury things, not just for the show, linked to the dream more and myself 3, the kitchen is the most important, if there was a bowl of pot on the windowsill, and cattle would cook for you in this life, more luxury Taurus more clingy kitchen. 1, calm, even inside the ups and downs are very sensible calm; 2, afraid of losing, acting like lukewarm difficult to close; 3, and a shameless love to flaunt; 4, hated was late and loves people; 5, stupidly in love with him to help him do a lot of things, even if they do not love them; 6, love seriously, moment of truth not skimp on him any role; 7, inside temperature and kind, always keep to their friends to lovers. Taurus love man of wisdom is more conservative, Simple, Taurus likes to go after Ning and quiet atmosphere. Want to get the Taurus, you need to have expertise. Let him think you are superior in this area Dont cheat dont cheat dont cheat dont cheat dont cheat, dont cheat the Taurus. Taurus hates dishonest people Taurus girls hate it when people lie to her, hated playing with the feelings of people, Sometimes bullies, intense jealousy and possessiveness often tormented her. Very emotional, likes to tell the truth in front of love, for love running because people are, Just want to care about the people loved, for those who dont like indifference to the limit. Hate being a third party, If you find that you are a third party will definitely leave, Although it hurts, is pride talking.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:31:45 +0000

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