Tea Drinking in China Chinese people have been drinking tea for - TopicsExpress


Tea Drinking in China Chinese people have been drinking tea for a long time. It is said that tea was discovered accidentally around 2700 BC by the mythical Emperor known as the Divine Cultivator, Shennong. Tea has been cultivated in China for at least eighteen hundred years. Tea Drinking Beginning The usage of tea as a beverage is first recorded in the Chinese classics Shennong Ben Cao Jing, whose author is said to be Shennong,the Divine Cultivator. It was already a common drink during Qin Dynasty (around 200 BC) and became widely popular during Tang Dynasty, when it was spread to Korea and Japan. The Benefits of Tea Tea was originally treated as medicine, as we mentioned earlier it was discovered by the Divine Cultivator, Shennong. Modern researches have found that tea has lots of benefits: 1. Anti-aging Tea polyphenols have strong antioxidant effect. It is free radical scavenger for human body. According to some research, 1 mg of Tea polyphenol is equivalent to 9 micrograms of superoxide dismutase (SOD) on clearing excess free radicals which harmful to human body significantly higher than other similar substances. According to Okuda, a Japan research institute, tea polyphenols is 18 times strong as vitamin E on anti-aging. 2. Contribute to the Inhibition of cardiovascular disease The high level bodys cholesterol, triglycerides will accumulate fat on vascular wall, and this will lead to vascular smooth cell proliferation and the formation of atheroma plaques and other cardiovascular diseases. Tea polyphenols, especially tea polyphenols catechins ECG and EGC and its oxidation product of theaflavin will inhibit the porphyritic proliferation, the formation of fibrinogen, and reduce the hemagglutination viscosity enhancement. Coagulation become clear, thus inhibiting atherosclerosis. 3. Prevention and treatment of radiation damage Tea tea polyphenols and their oxidation products have the ability to absorb strontium 90 and cobalt 60 radioactive substances. Medical researches confirmed the mild radiation sickness caused by the cancer patients in the radiotherapy process, treated with tea extract, healed up to 90%. 4. Contribute to the Inhibition and resistance to the virus strains Tea polyphenols have strong convergence effect, can inhibit and kill pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and have a demonstrable effect on the anti-inflammatory diarrhea. Some Chinese medical institutions use the tea preparations to treat acute and chronic dysentery, amoebic dysentery, influenza, and the cure rate is about 90%. From now on, we will have a tea culture exploration. We will introduce several popular kinds of tea, and will share their benefits with you. For more information on Chinese culture, or China Travel Guide, please visit chinatraveldesigner
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 18:57:27 +0000

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