Tea? What makes iced tea possibly the most refreshing drink on - TopicsExpress


Tea? What makes iced tea possibly the most refreshing drink on this planet and others? As today is another day akin to being a French rabbit in a casserole pot (Aujourdhui est comme un francaise lapin dans une casserole pot), I have partaken of the aforementioned ice tea, added a few ice cubes and by jimney I think I own India right now and Im personally responsible for breaking the Chinese monopoly on tea growing in the 17th century by introducing the plant to India and saving the Christian world from a good old fasioned botty spanking at the hands of the Wolverhampton Cricket clubs first XV. Whats more exciting news is that there are many different flavours of teas. For example oolong - which is for the makers of the Hobbit film. How longs this film gonna take to watch Peter Jackson? Well oolong have you got?. Theres English breakfast tea for that first romantic breakfast after your married - Rowr, good morning Jemimah Bigg-Fanneh - how do you want your eggs? Unfertilised and with a cup Englands finest. Well you wont be getting that served in the Cricket world Cup because thats ours. Theres Irish breakfast tea too - served while carrying a pig and a ladder and chewing on black pudding. Aye Missus dat dare tea will cure dat massive face on your wart. Theres afternoon teas as well as morning teas, in fact theres a tea for anytime of the day it would appear. People have their names on teas. The English Lord Earl Grey has an eponymously (spell check doesnt understand adverbs - good lordly) named tea. Can you believe that? A tea called Stanley! Ill ave a right uge cup of Stanley. Theres green teas that are fantastically refreshing and in Japan they even have tea ceremonies that last longer than the English royal family. People have died waiting for their cuppa in downtown Tokyo which is why no one lives in Japan anymore. Its true. Japan is one long tea stained desert with no tea cups or people anymore - not even a carrot. Its true. Theres a Russian tea called Darjeeling - da meaning yes in russian and jeeling meaning tea of course - Yes tea, see how it works, simple language is the old Russian but highly effective in communicating the want for a cuppa tea. Ah tea - yes thoroughly refreshing and relatively inexpensive still. Get some India.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 04:22:57 +0000

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