TeaParty; As she sets the tea pot down Everything is perfect, the - TopicsExpress


TeaParty; As she sets the tea pot down Everything is perfect, the fine blue willow china, the lily white cloth draped over the fine oval oak table. The fine silver glimmering in the sunlight, Every cup and saucer placed in fine order. A small plate of crumpets fill the air with there sweet aroma after she baked them in a oven she does not have for her guest. She is just 6 years old, with ice blue eyes, and curly blonde hair standing a towering 3 ft tall and maybe 35 lbs soaking wet! As she reaches for the tea pot she speaks to her guest, Mr green jeans! I am so glade that you could attend my tea party this afternoon. Here, let me pour you a spot of tea? As mr green jeans sits in his chair, he towers over his tiny little hostess, the chair squeeks from his enormous weight, with a blank stare and a puzzled look he tilts his massive head to one side and remains speechless. As she pours the cup full to the brim it remains empty filling it up with the imaginary brew. There you go she says as she lights up the room with a brilliant smile. I hope you enjoy it Mr green jeans, its orange Peco, And I just brewed it. As she reaches across the table she places her tiny little hand upon his thick shoulder, please drink it slowly, its very hot! As mr green jeans looks across the table she notices him looking at the crumpets, O….how rude of me she exclaims, as she takes a crumpet off the platter. Here! Would you like a crumpet along with your tea? In a deep burly voice she hears mr green jeans reply, why thank you my dear, orange peco is my favorite and you know how I love crumpets, As he sits there uttering not a single word, she reply’s, You are very welcome, I am so glade that you came. As she sits in her chair lifting her cup to her mouth, her little finger stinking out every so slightly, she mimic’s a sip, and a swallow time and again, smiling across the table exchanging a conversation fit for kings, and queens and noble’s of days gone past. Well I must be off to the market now Mr green jeans, I am afraid our little tea party must come to a end! As she walks around the table to bid her friend farewell she gently wraps her tiny little arms around his large hairy neck placing a ginger kiss upon his cheek, as a large slobering tongue swipes across her tiny face time and again she laughs and smiles, like only a 6 year old child can. Mr green jeans hops down of the chair, towering high above his lovely companion, he nudges her with his huge nose, he turns around and swiftly moves on across the bright green lawn, the fine trimmed hedge, and slowly disappears into the estate.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 13:43:03 +0000

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