Teach me English: 故事記憶法 (辦公室篇) 故事大綱: - TopicsExpress


Teach me English: 故事記憶法 (辦公室篇) 故事大綱: 我剛買了台投影機,發現是個瑕疵品,打電話到該公司做詢問, 一直聯絡不上, 決定親自走訪一趟, 才發現… projector (投影機), defective merchandise (瑕疵品) , inquire / have an inquiry (詢問), make a phone call (打電話), operator (總機), put through / transfer (轉接), the line is busy (佔線), in person (親自)到公司, parking lot (停車場), security (警衛), verify identity (確認身分), badge (名牌), refer to (参考), the floor directory (樓層指南), 到了該樓層, front desk / counter (櫃檯), receptionist (接待員)正在跟courier (快遞)說話, employee / personnel / staff (員工), cubicle (小隔間), 旁邊有file cabinet / filing cabinet (襠案櫃), coat rack (衣帽架), curtain (窗簾), locker (置物櫃); 辦公桌上有 desktop computer (桌上型電腦), monitor (螢幕), printer (印表機), cordless phone (無線電話), answering machine (答錄機), copy machine / photocopier / copier (影印機), fax machine (傳真機), documents (文件), a pile of / a stack of files (一堆檔案), handouts (講義), business card (名片), astray (菸灰缸), lamp (檯燈), vase (花瓶), picture frame (相框), office supplies (辦公室用品 / stationery文具): post-it (便利貼), whiteout (立可白), stapler (訂書機), paper clip (迴紋針), clip (夾子), thumbtack (大頭針), rubber band (橡皮筋), memo pad (便條紙), scissors (剪刀), calculator (計算機), envelop (信封), paper (紙), cartridge / toner (碳粉夾), 接下來看到conference room (會議室), briefing room (簡報室), showroom (展示間), archive room (檔案室), cafeteria / canteen (員工餐廳), 最後來到了staff lounge (員工休息室), 員工們正看著newsletter(公司報), 並開始gossip (八卦), rumor (謠言), complain (抱怨)…clock in / clock out (打卡上/下班), work overtime (加班), paper jam (卡紙), poor ventilation (通風差), heavy workload (工作量大), tons of paperwork (很多文書作業), low pay / wage / salary (薪資低), no subsidy / bonus / pension (沒補貼/獎金/退休金), 還有人說要想submit resignation letter(遞辭呈)…當我抬頭, 看到bulletin board (佈告欄), notice (公告), layoff list (裁員名單), 原因是: negative (負面的), unproductive (不生產的), inefficient (效率低的), slack (懶散的), tardy (拖延的), high absenteeism (曠職率高), low morale (士氣低)… 難道這故事是教我們不要當”低頭族”?!哈…. 我亂編的啦,希望大家能熟記以上生活(多益)單字!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 04:36:16 +0000

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