Teach secular ethics in schools, says Dalai Lama Staff Reporter - TopicsExpress


Teach secular ethics in schools, says Dalai Lama Staff Reporter GUWAHATI, Feb 1 – Asking the Indian people to promote the country’s thousands-years-old tradition of secular ethics, Tibetan spiritual leader, the 14th Dalai Lama, in his maiden public event in the State today, asked the people to preach secular ethics to the young generation in schools, and be proud of the countrys history of religious cohesion. Fifty-four years in exile since he left his homeland, the Dalai Lama today led the discourse of an Inter-faith Conclave on Peace and Religious Harmony, where the priests and scholars of the predominant faiths of the State took part. The conclave was organized by LBS Foundation, Guwahati at the Rabindra Bhawan here, and attended by a select gathering. “With its multi-religious population and a history of mutual coexistence among people of different faiths, dating back to thousands of years, India is an example in front of the world giving space to its home grown faiths and other religions that entered the country in different times. Now, there must be a concerted effort on our part to continue and popularise this tradition,” he said, while addressing the spiritual heads coming from different parts of the State and the northeastern region. Terming himself as a messenger of India, the Dalai Lama said that the world should realize the relevance of Indian philosophy and tradition. Also bringing reference of incidents of religious intolerance in different parts of the country, he said that wherever there is violence or corruption in the name of religion, it is evident that such people are not following their religious preaching, because all the religions and faiths talk of nonviolence, peace and honesty. The Indian way of secularism teaches us to respect all faiths and even respect the beliefs of the atheists. Our young generation, which is diverted towards money than spirituality, must be taught secular ethics in their schools, he said reaffirming his commitment towards promoting love, peace and secularism. Tomorrow, the Dalai Lama would deliver the first LBS (Lawyers’ Book Stall) Founders’ Commemorative Lecture at the Nehru Stadium here during the morning hours after which he would inaugurate the five-day festival of Tibetan Art and Culture at the Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra. His schedule also includes a series of public events in Shillong from February 3 to 5. Todays conclave was also addressed by Swami Swamy Sumanasunanda Maharaj of Ramakrishna Mission at Cherrapunjee, Bimalankur Mahathera of Jorhat Bauddha Vihar, Narayan Chandra Goswami, Satradhikar of Natun Kamalabari Satra, Majuli, Archbishop Emeritus of Guwahati Diocese Reverend Thomas Menamparampil and former Principal of Assam Medical College and Islamic scholar Dr Taufiqur Rahman Barbara, Sikh Guru Gyani Swaran Singh and Jain scholar Kapoor Chand Jain. The Dalai Lamas last visit to the region was in 2009, when he visited different parts of Arunachal Pradesh. Source:assamtribune/scripts/detailsnew.asp?id=feb0214
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 09:12:26 +0000

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