Teachers - I feel your pain.... as a state employee with five - TopicsExpress


Teachers - I feel your pain.... as a state employee with five years in, I have seen a raise of 0.1% during my time - this only put me in a higher tax bracket by TWO DOLLARS. ;) Also, during that time as part of our bonus package, we have received five extra days of vacation for the past three years. I cannot eat time off and it sure doesnt pay the bills. About a year ago, when asked what we were supposed to do with this extra time off, one of our illustrious legislators said we should work our second job during that week. WHAT?! You work hard. We work hard. I would like to just be paid a living wage just like you would and not have to give up what I have earned.... just like you have. Oh, and for those of you who do not know..... I do have a Masters Degree and make less than a first year teacher with the same level advanced degree. AND, here is a little tidbit which will tickle some of my teacher friends who I have always given a hard time to about snow days. Now, we will be forced to take a vacation day or we can make-up the time..... well, I can tell you this - the earth has been here for a very long time, I do not think anyone has found a way to make-up time.... And bless you all who were forced to work on Saturdays, but there will be snow at the equator before I work another Saturday at my full time job. Bless you if you took on the profession as a teacher.... I thought I did at one time and the only thing any of my interviewers cared about was what sport I wanted to coach. Our guvment does not care about any of the ones who do the work they are called to do... Dont forget they are getting a cost of living raise January 1, 2015. Fool me once, phooey on me. Fool me twice..... well, guess what?! You dont fool me twice. I leave you with a quote from the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales - Theres another old saying, Senator. Dont piss down my back and tell me its raining. How many more days until the election?! See ya at the polls. :D
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 02:10:59 +0000

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