Teachers will love this letter by Nigel Dears in todays Canberra - TopicsExpress


Teachers will love this letter by Nigel Dears in todays Canberra Times: So now a quarter of Tony Abbotts frontbench is embroiled in the travel expenses scandal to the sum of $16,000 to attend a wedding. These are elected members using public funds for private benefit. Tony Abbott has repaid $1700, George Brandis and Barnaby Joyce are now repaying $2350 for claiming a shock jocks wedding and then Julie Bishop, Barnaby Joyce and Teresa Gambaro together claimed $12,000 in overseas study payments to fly home from a wedding in India. Even the meagre figure of $354 for one nights accommodation is being repaid by other elected members, because they were found out. Lets put some perspective on this. My wife is an ACT public servant. She works as a primary school teacher and loves her job. However, as a comparison with the recent travel claims by our elected members who stay in comfortable and secure accommodation, it is worlds away from the coalface. Remember how excited your child was as you waved them goodbye as they headed off on school camp? Guess how much these public servants get paid each night to accompany your child for a very excited night with their classmates. Nothing! Zero! Zip! $0! If, however, teachers take their classes out bush under canvas and not in those fancy cabins, then they are reimbursed $30 for their efforts. Is it just me or are things out of balance? Nigel Dears, Chapman
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:45:34 +0000

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